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And a question hung over “the economic relevance of unrealised gains and losses”.

And a new problem has arisen : the largely increasing number of cars has become a huge traffic problem. 一个新的问题产生了:逐渐增多的骑车已成为交通的巨大负担。
And a new problem has arisen: the largely increasing number of cars has become a huge tranffic problem. 7一个新的问题产生了:逐渐增多的汽车已成为交通的巨大负担.
And a pair of flaps, mounted on the stern stabilizers, enables the vehicle dive or surface in a spiral form, thus ensuring the vehicle almost directly under the support ship. 在潜水器的尾部稳定翼上装有一对小襟翼,它可使潜水器在上浮下潜时,在母船的正下方作螺旋状盘旋。
And a plug and play operating system is constantly searching each connection for new hardware. 而且一个即插即用操作系统正在不变地为新的硬件寻找每个连接。
And a pound of mince, too. 我还要一磅肉糜。
And a question hung over “the economic relevance of unrealised gains and losses”. 而且对于“未实现获利和亏损的经济相关性”也存在疑问。
And a recent Harris Interactive survey found 92 percent of Americans said they always wash up after using the bathroom. 哈里斯互动调查公司最近的一项调查发现,92%的受访美国人称,他们上厕所后都会洗手。
And a rejected baby black panther has been adopted by a dog. 在塞尔维亚,一只被遗弃的小黑豹已被一只狗收养。
And a rejected baby black panther in Serbia has been adopted by a dog. 塞尔维亚,一只遭遗弃的黑豹幼崽被一只狗收养。
And a roach spans a crevice in the floor. 一只蟑螂爬过了地板的裂缝。
And a scattering of very wakeful men in nearby seats knew it: a small squad of FBI agents and a separate team of Swiss Special Forces commandos, all carefully positioned around the suspect, all warily watching his every move. 散坐在近旁座位上那些高度警觉的人是知道的:那是一小队联邦调查局的特工人员和另一队瑞士特别部队的突击队员,他们被精心安排在嫌犯四周,密切监视其一举一动。

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