Yet such are the strange tastes of Europeans that the country's period in charge of the EU's agenda-setting presidency is being greeted with front-page news stories, animated televised discussions and a sort of dignified hoopla.
欧盟让主席国在任职期间负责处理欧盟议程的方式让人费解——此举是模仿电视谈话类节目及夸大其词的宣传而推出的,即让欧盟轮值主席国以推动(欧盟议程上)的首要主题为己任,说服各成员国贯彻执行。 |
Yet such move will powerfully defend the positions of Netease and Sohu.
然而这样的购并将很大程度地保护网易和搜狐的地位。 |
Yet such points of light in Mr Chirac's presidency are notable mainly for their rarity.
然而希拉克时代这些“闪光点”之所以闻名遐迩,主要由于其赶上了千载难逢的历史机遇。 |
Yet such tragic events as her brother's suicide and the death of her father Paulo two years later, followed by her own nervous breakdown, depression and 12 years of psychoanalysis, led Marina towards her true destiny.
但是这些悲惨的事件就是玛利娜的命运,先是哥哥自杀,两年后父亲保罗又去世,随之而来的是她自己精神崩溃了,思了抑郁症,进行了12年的精神分析治疗。 |
Yet suddenly in some wordless music the dim memory wakes up and the beast gazes into the man's face with a tender trust, and the man looks down into its eyes with amused affection.
可是忽然在些无言的音乐中,那模糊的记忆清醒起来,动物用温柔的信任注视着人的脸,人也用嬉笑的感情下望着它的眼睛。 |
Yet ten years after the handover on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong is far from over and hardly dead.
但是1997年7月1日交接的十年后,香港远没有玩完,离死好早呢。 |
Yet thanks to the avarice of local politicians, most was siphoned off before reaching the people, who remain some of Africa's poorest and sickest.
然而,由于本地政客的贪婪,大部分的拨款在到达人民手中之前就囊入腰包,人民也只能过着最贫穷与最多疾病的生活。 |
Yet that business now looks in danger of unravelling in an atmosphere of rancour.
不过,该业务目前似乎有可能在敌意气氛中解体。 |
Yet that deal is being eroded.
但是这一条约正在受到威胁。 |
Yet that doesn't detract from the scale of Cowperthwaite's achievement.
不过,这无毁于郭伯伟的成就。 |
Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter.
这只是问题的一个次要的侧面。 |