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B: Then, I believe you have a conformation slip.

B: Then what are you expecting? A red carpet welcome? 那你还想怎么着?让他们列队欢迎你?
B: Then what are your terms of payment? 那么你们以何种方式支付?
B: Then what will they do besides tasting sweet dumpling? 除了吃汤圆,他们在节日里还会做些什么?
B: Then what's your proposal? 那你有什么建议?
B: Then you should make the best of weekend to do something that interests you. 那你应该好好利用周末做你有兴趣的事。
B: Then, I believe you have a conformation slip. 那么,您有预约确认券吧。
B: There are many rich people in this area, so a skimming price is OK -- and even needed, because they think only a high price means a good product. 这个地区多得是有钱人,所以最高利价润行得通,甚至可以说是必要的。因为他们认为只有高价位才能代表好产品。
B: There are many stores near here. 附近还有很多商店。
B: There are three kinds: full court pre , half-court pre and zone pre . Others are one-man-pre and two-man-pre . 有三种:全场紧逼、半场紧逼及区域紧逼。除此之外,还有一人紧逼和双人紧逼。
B: There are three kinds: full court press, half-court press and zone press. Others are one-man-press and two-man-press. 有三种:全场紧逼、半场紧逼及区域紧逼。除此之外,还有一人紧逼和双人紧逼。
B: There are too many dialects in Italy! (意大利的方言真是太多了。)

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