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As the birthplace of Chinese acrobatics, Wuqiao acrobatics enjoys a high reputation for its long history, superb skills and large assembly of talents in the field of acrobatics.

As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor's parties provide many useful gifts. 当大喜的日子临近,新娘贺礼赠送会和告别单身等聚会都会赠送许多有用的礼物。
As the big problems of the thirties were brought under some kind of rough control, new problems took their place – the unprecedented problems of an, affluent society, of racial justice, of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable, of coping with war 当20世纪30年代的大问题刚刚勉强得到控制,新的问题又出现了——富足社会中出现的崭新问题,如种族平等,保证城市环境适于居住,应付各种陌生伪装下的战争等等。
As the biggest auto market in South-East Asia, Thailand has always been the bone of competition for Euramerican and Japanese automakers. 作为东南亚最大的汽车市场,泰国一直是欧美和日本汽车公司争夺的焦点。
As the biggest domestic CDMA equipment provider, the future growth of ZTE Lucent was deemed optimistic by many. 作为中国本土最大的CDMA设备供应商,中兴通讯的增长势头被一致看好。
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. 2麻雀往来,燕子翻飞,这样,无故的咒诅,也必不临到。
As the birthplace of Chinese acrobatics, Wuqiao acrobatics enjoys a high reputation for its long history, superb skills and large assembly of talents in the field of acrobatics. 吴桥县的杂技艺术历史悠久,民谣有“上自九十九,下至刚会走,吴桥耍杂技,人人有一手”。
As the blood ... his blood ... was streaming Down his naked body ... this naked body. 当血液。。。他的鲜血。。。这样不断奔涌出他赤裸的身体。。。这赤裸裸的躯体。
As the boat neared shore, the squall flipped it upside-down. 当船快靠岸的时候,暴风把它掀了个底儿朝天。
As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind. 小船徐徐驶向对岸,帕克眼睁睁地看着追捕者把他被迫留下的两个男人围住。
As the body attunes itself, it may be a channel where there may be instant healing with the laying on of hands. 当身体调谐自身,它会是一个通道,将手放在患处,会即刻获得治愈。
As the body count rose, Gainesville Police Chief Wayland Clifton called for help from the FBI, the Florida Highway Patrol and other agencies. 随着尸体不断被发现,盖斯威尔警察局长维兰·克利夫顿向中央情报局、弗罗里达公路巡逻队和其他机构请求帮助。

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