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The indomitable pine is the honorble embodyment of the life , the symbol of the willpower and will. My respected teacher ,the pine is your perfect incarnation.

The individualistic theory of human nature holds that the interests of the normal adult are best served by allowing him maximum freedom and responsibility for choosing his objectives and the means for obtaining them, and acting accordingly. 个人主义的人性论认为:正常的成年人的兴趣全都投入了这个观点,它就是:允许他有极大的的自由,和负有最大的责任,就是选择他的目标,确定追求目标的方式,随之行动起来。
The individuality of the organism is held in the running sequence of the differing rungs. 每个有机体的特殊性都是由梯上不同横档的排列顺序所决定的。
The individuals concerned have some explaining to do. 事情涉及到的每个人都要作一些解释。
The individuals likewise of each society become sensible of their force; hence the principal advantages of this society they endeavour to convert to their own emolument, which constitutes a state of war between individuals. 每一个社会中的某些个人开始意识到自己的力量所在,他们力图将这个社会的主要利益窃为已有,于是便产生某些个人之间的战争状态。
The individuation of marketing is prominently shown in aspects such as “Excellent quality, stable quality, innovation in science and technology, strong production capability, short lead time and total customer satisfaction”. 市场经营个性化突出表现在“质量卓越、品质稳定,科技创新、生产制造能力强、供货时间短、客户满意为宗旨”等方面。
The indomitable pine is the honorble embodyment of the life , the symbol of the willpower and will. My respected teacher ,the pine is your perfect incarnation. 顽强的松柏,是生命的崇高体现,是毅力和意志的象征。敬爱的老师,松柏就是您完美的化身。
The indoor fittings and decoration of public places using inflammable and flame retardant materials in accordance with requirements of the State Technical Standards on Fire Control for Engineering Construction, shall choose materials passing qualification 公共场所室内装修、装饰根据国家工程建筑消防技术标准的规定,应当使用不燃、难燃材料的,必须选用依照产品质量法的规定确定的检验机构检验合格的材料。
The indoor locating technique which gets location information of human and object indoors can provide many services for users baaed on location information and has a wide foreground in military and civil domains. 摘要室内定位技术是一种获取室内的人和物位置信息的技术,以位置信息为基础可为使用者提供多种服务,在军事和民用领域都有着广阔的应用前景。
The indoor relative humidity is now moderated so that it is always less than the variation outside, and often much less. 室内相对湿度变化总会比室外相对湿度变化小,有的变化小的很多。
The indoor-stage theatrical troupes that perform in theaters must consider the commercial factors to meet the artistic demands of the audience, by varying and enhancing the performing art, stage art, theatrical subject, etc., so as to keep up with the rou 进入戏院演出的戏班则必须在商业的考量下,于表演艺术、舞台美术、剧目特色等方面不断变换提升以满足观众的戏剧审美要求,如此方能维持戏班的日常营运与提高本身的竞争优势。
The inductive method, also called scientific method, usually starts with extensive observations of nature, for the purpose of finding a few, powerful statements about how nature works. 归纳法,也称为科学方法,通常由广泛的观察自然开始,以求能找出一些具权威性的论述来解释自然的运行。

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