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More than three-quarters of al Qaeda's key members and associates have been detained or killed.

More than that, it has almost magically multiplied and diversified programme content and fundamentally changed TV scheduling. WOW!!!!! 除此之外,它已经几乎魔术般地使节目内容激增,变化多端,它已经从根本上改变了电视节目时刻表。哇!!!!!
More than the western Balkans and Turkey are at stake: watching in the wings are other would-be applicants, from Ukraine to the Caucasus. 比这些西部巴尔干国家和土耳其更为攸关的是:从长远来看从乌克兰到高加索地区的其它国家也将会申请入盟。
More than three months after its launch, Freever has gained the unconditional support of over 170 000 fans in the mobile phone community. 该项服务推出3多个月后,“任自由”受到了手机社团的170,000多名用户迷的大力支持。
More than three quarters (76 per cent) of men and 81 per cent of women did less than one 30-minute session of moderate or vigorous exercise per week. 超过四分之三(76%)的男性和81%的女性每周进行适度或剧烈运动的时间不到30分钟。
More than three years' work experience in the sales or purchasing position in sizable trading companies or multinational enterprises. 电子产品领域或其他领域跨国企业三年以上的销售或者市场推广经验。
More than three-quarters of al Qaeda's key members and associates have been detained or killed. 基地组织的主要成员及同夥有四分之三以上已被抓获或击毙。
More than twenty different Lutheran groups may be identified, many of which are separated on the basis of language. 可以查明的不同的路德会派别就有二十多个,其中有许多是根据语言而自成一派的。
More than twice as many were hurt. 超过两倍的人受伤。
More than two dozen people have been killed by a pair of deadly bombings in southern India. 在印度南部,发生了两起炸弹爆炸事件,有20多人在爆炸中死亡。
More than two hundred students were in the classroom, the professor had to talk into microphone. 200多学生在教室,教授不得不用麦克风讲话。
More than two hundred years ago the United States broke away from the British Empire and became an independent country. 两百多年以前,美国从大英帝国脱离成为一个独立的国家。

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