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Undernutrition is associated with poverty and social deprivation, occurring among the poor, including some immigrants arriving from developing countries.

Underneath branch is standing for one on the pole only exquisite bird, the fineness the bird body is carved meticulously, is black , beautiful , very elegant slim tail feather satisfactory all over , is raising head being looking up at a high mountain, as 下面的枝杆上站着一只精美的鸟,鸟身雕刻细致精美,全身为黑色,尾羽修长美丽,十分优雅喜人,抬着头仰望着高山,似乎在为下一刻的飞跃而准备,整体催人奋进。
Underneath of is design in the residence living room of garden in East China Seas, modified unexpectedly several times for a color of door. 下面的是东海花园的住宅客厅设计,为一个门的颜色竟然修改了几次。
Underneath the piazza there would be an underground area for teenagers, such as facilities for skateboarding, graffiti and hip-hopping. 广场地下将设有年青人设施,包括滑板场、涂鸦墙及摇摆舞音乐表演场地。
Underneath writer will with the MOTOROLA system for example, enumerate some more familiar covariance item, and as to it's carry on in brief analytical. 下面笔者将以MOTOROLA系统为例,列举一些较常见的统计项,并对其进行简单分析。
Underneath you'll find a brand new paid mail. 在您之下将发现全新的有偿的邮件。
Undernutrition is associated with poverty and social deprivation, occurring among the poor, including some immigrants arriving from developing countries. 营养低下与贫穷和物质匮乏有关,通常发生于穷人中,如来自发展中国家的移民。
Underpinning the rise were increasing government action against foreign investors in Latin America and central Asia and credit risks in Eastern Europe. 导致这一风险指数上升的主要因素是,拉美和中亚国家的反外资行动日益增加,以及东欧的信贷风险不断上升。
Underpinning these rises is a sharp increase in the prices of grains such as corn (maize) and wheat, both of which recently hit ten-year highs. 这些价格增长的背后是玉米和小麦这类粮食价格的飞涨,而它们的价格最近已达到十年来的最高水平。
Underpinning trends in automation technology and process control is moving towards transparent system solutions. 自动化技术和过程控制的基托趋势转向了透明的系统解决方案。
Underreporting, rather than infrequency, represents the main cause for this limited data, in part due to the lack of centralized databases. 报道不全是这些数据有限的主要原因,而并非发生罕见,其原因部分是由于中央数据库的缺乏。
Underscore the message that every person with diabetes or at risk of diabetes deserves the best quality of education, prevention and care that is possible. 重点关注每一位糖尿病患者或糖尿病高危人群应该得到的最好的糖尿病教育、预防和治疗的信息。

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