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Used in the treatment of acute throat infection, tonsillitis caused by pyesis streptococcus; acute brochitis, chronic brochitis acute paroxysm caused by sensitive bacteria; pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumonia, flu bacilli and pneumonia mycoplasma.

Used in storing energy of electric welder and UPS, air conditioners etc. 适用于电焊机贮能,UPS不间断电源,空调逆变器等电子设备中.
Used in such trades as petrochemical industry , pharmacy , beer , beverage , food , dairy products , light textile ,etc. extensively. 广泛用于石化、制药、啤酒、饮料、食品、乳品、轻纺等行业。
Used in the client laboratory. Based on the elementary understanding, our company will send the professional laboratory furniture design engineer to discuss the designing project with the client. 在客户实验室功用,要求有初步了解的基础上,我公司委派专业实验室家俱设计工程师与客户讨论设计方案。
Used in the indispensable materials of trade thermal technology equipment , such as metallurgy , glass , petrochemical industry , electricity , boiler , building materials ,etc., but as requested use the special prescription in the precinct . 用于冶金、玻璃、石油化工、电力、锅炉、建材等行业热工设备必备材料,可根据要求选区用特殊配方。
Used in the trades , such as coal , mine , petroleum , chemical industry , grain ,etc. mainly. 主要用于煤炭、矿山、石油、化工、粮食等行业。
Used in the treatment of acute throat infection, tonsillitis caused by pyesis streptococcus; acute brochitis, chronic brochitis acute paroxysm caused by sensitive bacteria; pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumonia, flu bacilli and pneumonia mycoplasma. 适用于化脓性链球菌引起的急性咽炎,急性扁桃体炎,敏感细菌引起的急性支气管炎,慢性支气管炎急性发作,肺炎链球菌,流感肝菌以及肺炎支原体所致的肺炎。
Used in the treatment of throat infection, tonsillitis caused by pyesis streptococcus; acuteotitis, sinusitis, acute brochitis, chronic brochitis acute payoxysm and pneumonia caused by sensitive bacteria; skin soft tissue infection; and mycoplasma pneumon 适用于化脓性链球菌引起的咽炎和扁桃体炎,以及敏感细菌所致的急性中耳炎,鼻窦炎,急性支气管炎,慢性支气管炎急性发作和肺炎;皮肤软组织感染;肺炎支原体肺炎,沙眼衣原体引起的尿道及宫颈炎。
Used in transparent packaging and stationery type. 适用于超透明封箱及文具胶带使用。
Used less than one year, all accessory included.(3M pixels, 5x digital zoom), Good condition! 三百万像素,5倍数字变焦,使用不到一年,配件及说明书齐全。
Used medicines and devices, special pesticide registered in China, provide material safety data. 使用的药物和器具,在中国登记的专业杀虫剂,提供材料安全系数单据。
Used mostly in western Europe, Mounted Sergeants are an early type of professional soldier. 马上军士是西欧的通用部队,某种意义上的职业军队。

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