The government has announced plans for a new agency to manage the diversification of China's foreign exchange reserves.
中国政府提出要建立一个新的投资机构,寻求外汇储备的多元化。 |
The government has anti=trust laws that regulate against companies forming trusts in order to control product prices and distribution.
政府有反托拉斯法,反对公司组成意在控制产品价格和销售的托拉斯。 |
The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.
政府为修建医院拨出了大笔款项。 |
The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated .
政府更加重视这个问题,越来越多的不必要的工程被终止。 |
The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.
政府已经禁止使用化学武器。 |
The government has been cautious about allowing funds to be put into stocks because China's capital markets are still rather rough and ready.
出于谨慎,中国政府未允许社保资金进入股市,因为中国的金融市场还很不规范。 |
The government has been encouraging individuals to opt out of the state pension scheme.
政府一直都在鼓励个人退出国家养老金计划。 |
The government has been pouring money into the state-owned enterprise.
政府一直在拨出巨款支持国有企业。 |
The government has been proved to take action help those unemployed.
政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。 |
The government has been soft-pedalling (on) the question of teachers' pay.
政府一直低调处理教师的工资问题. |
The government has been tough on opposition parties and the media, despite a tendency towards political passivity in the country's 15m people.
国家政府对反对党与媒体采取了强硬的措施,尽管这样做会在一个拥有1500万人口的国家里引起政治被动性。 |