EMFRIG N oils are selected mineral oils by solvent processing and finishing, to give the light color, low pour point, low carbon residue, low floc point and good oxidation stability.
EMFRIG N是以精选矿物油经溶剂提纯与精炼而成,具有浅色、低残碳、低絮凝点与优异的抗氧化性。 |
EMGEAR EP oils are based on specially refined mineral oils compounded with sulfur-phosphorous extreme pressure additives, forming strong oil film to absorb the impact of intense pressure within the gear sets.
EMGEAR EP是以精炼矿物油掺配硫磷添加剂制成,能形成强韧油膜,吸收齿轮组中高压之冲击。 |
EMGEAR EP oils heave excellent thermal-oxidation stability, enabling resistance to oxidation and sludge formation even in operating temperature above 110℃.
EMGEAR EP具有极佳的热氧化安定性,在110℃操作时,仍能有效地抑制氧化与油泥的产生。 |
EMH Tech mainly focuses on technical services, also provides management consulting, system integration, software and hardware value-added sales and other related specialty technical services.
美合以提供技术服务为主,并提供企业管理顾问咨询,系统集成,软硬件产品的增值销售等各项专业技术服务. |
EMHYDR HR oils are based on high paraffin lubricant stocks compounded with rust and oxidation inhibitors and anti-foam additive to lubricate in hydraulic systems, plain and anti-friction bearings, enclosed gear cases etc. that do not require anti-wear or
EMHYDR HR是以石蜡基基础油掺配防锈、抗氧化与消泡添加剂制成,适用于工业液压系统、减阻与平轴承、密封式齿轮等,以及不须抗磨与极压性能的润滑系统。 |
EMHYDR HR oils have excellent oxidation stability and demulsibility, enabling ready separation of entrained water and giving long life without formation of harmful sludge.
EMHYDR HR具有优异的抗氧化与抗乳化性,能轻易祛除水份,经久使用而不会生成油泥。 |
EMHYDR SFC fluids are clear red water/glycol based fluids that successfully in wide variety of industrial hydraulic systems.
EMHYDR SFC是一种成功广泛应用于各种工业液压系统的红色、澄清之水/二元醇型液压油。 |
EMHYDR SFC fluids offer fire protection under the most severe hazard conditions and meet the requirements of factory mutual insurance laboratories.
EMHYDR SFC纵然在最严苛的环境下,仍能提供防火性能,并符合工业安全的所有测试要求。 |
EMI certainly needs to do something.
背水而战意味着可能做些出人意料的举动。 |
EMI has tried to be the aggressor by making a move on Warner but - after the UK group's two profit warnings this year - the tables seem to have turned.
百代觊觎并购华纳已酝酿多年。最近一次谈判是在一年前欧盟委员会调查索尼与贝塔斯曼的音乐合资经营之后。 |
EMI's share price surged as the music company confirmed it had been approached about a possible takeover, reportedly by two private-equity firms.
由于EMI公司证实了有关两家私营公司可能对其提出收购的报道,该唱片公司股价大幅上扬。 |