Though Baldwin took the initiative in depicting black humanity, advocating black culture, uplifting black literature and exploring racial discrimination and conflict, trying to transcend Richard's protest writing, his writing principles revealed certain i
作为其间的过渡人物,鲍德温在描写黑人人性、展示黑人文化、提升黑人文学的艺术水平、探索种族歧视与冲突问题等方面,都提出了超越赖特的抗议文学主张,但他本人的思想观念和创作实践又还存在诸多自相矛盾之处。 |
Though Buffalo remains the largest city in upstate New York, sections of its waterfront are a picture of industrial ruin.
尽管布法罗仍然是纽约州北部最大的城市,但其湖滨地区却是一派工业萧条的景象。 |
Though China has achieved impressive results in its development, there are still many acute problems, such as overpopulation, weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and a fairly sharp contradiction between the co
中国虽然取得了很大的发展成就,但中国人口多,底子薄,生产力不发达,发展很不平衡,生态环境、自然资源与经济社会发展的矛盾比较突出。 |
Though China has made remarkable achievement in artificial forest creation, such forests have not substantially protected the biodiversity, because of the monotony of the kind of such forests.
加之人工林林种单一,虽然部分地区森林覆盖率较高,但生物多样性却没有得到很好的保护。 |
Though Chinese country preschool education has made great progress, it still drops behind.
摘要中国是一个农业大国,教育事业的主体在农村,幼儿教育也不例外。 |
Though Chinese culture and Korean culture both belong to the Chinese cultural ring, they have their distinctions which find expression in the cultural and semantic differences of the symbolic words that can affect their communication.
汉韩两族文化同属于汉语文化圈,但又存在民族文化的差异,反映在象征词语方面就出现了汉韩语言中象征词语文化含义的有同有异,这种文化差异往往直接影响着中韩语言的交际。 |
Though Chinese nationalists could make life difficult for anyone who was foreign, Zhu managed without problems, thanks in part to his tremendous musical talent.
尽管当时中国的狂热分子没让一个外国人有阿安宁的日子过,老朱由于他杰出的音乐天分躲过他们的纠缠。 |
Though Condoleezza Rice, Mr Bush's secretary of state, says she is bound for the region, there is no concealing the American temptation to dawdle.
尽管美国国务卿赖斯表示她将前往黎巴嫩,也无法掩瞒美国企图拖延时间的想法。 |
Though Dick has tried hard,it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him.
虽然迪克已经尽了力,但是距离他父亲对他的期望还差得很远。 |
Though Dingtian Temple reserves the most original natural forest, it still needs an overall planning and greening to create an elegant environment for the purpose of building national forest park.
顶天寺景区虽然保存了最原始的自然森林植被资源,但作为创建国家级森林公园项目,还必须进行整体设计规划及植树造林,创造优美环境。 |
Though Dr Jones did not actually discover this species (it was first noted five years ago in a German aquarium, and its genes suggest it came originally from America), she was the person who identified it in the wild—in Madagascar.
尽管不是琼斯博士最早发现的这种龙虾(这种龙虾最早是5年前在德国的水族馆发现的,通过研究它的基因表明它起源于美洲),但是她鉴定了这种龙虾是一种原产于马达加斯加的野生物种。 |