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Execution of a derived class definition proceeds the same as for a base class.

Executed with or exhibiting ingenuity. 精巧的巧妙制成的或精巧的
Executing every test for the entire system shouldn't take hours. 执行每一项全面的系统测试不该花几个小时。
Executing on the basics of IT security is not enough to ensure that your organization will not be hacked, but it will significantly reduce the chances. 实行IT安全基础(措施)不足以确保你的组织机构不被黑,但这将在相当大的程度上减少机会。
Executing, Ndeveloping western China will make western area confronting severe difficult position about question of ecology and environment, at present, the cause about ecology and environment worsening of western area, unless drop behind and climatic fac 摘要实施西部大开发,使西部地区的生态环境将面临着更加严重的困境,目前我国西部地区生态环境问题恶化原因,除了贫穷落后与气候的因素导致西部地区生态环境脆弱外,更与长期以来的人口增殖过快和政府未进行有效干预有关;西部大开发要摆脱所面临着的生态环境困境,应树立新的发展观,依靠政府的有效干预,控制人口的增殖,促进科技进步,发展循环经济,加强环保教育,不断优化生态环境,走经济效益与生态效益相统一的可持续发展之路。
Execution Time : It is the time taken to process a request. This is measured as the time elapsed between the first byte received from the server and the last one. 执行时间:指的是处理完成一个请求需要花费的时间。更确切的说是指收到来自服务器第一个字节的数据与最后一个字节数据所用的时间。
Execution of a derived class definition proceeds the same as for a base class. 派生类定义的执行过程和基类是一样的。
Execution standard of manufacturing technique of wax :( it is accord with SH/T0013-1999 petrochemical industry standard) manufacturing technique of Insect white wax: it is a kind of wax from tree privet or ash tree where insect wax excreted. 微晶蜡的执行标准:(本产品符合SH/T0013-1999石油化工行业标准)虫白蜡的生产工艺流程:虫白蜡,是白蜡虫分泌在所寄生的女贞树或白蜡树枝上的蜡质。
Execution standard:The equipment is heating by intermediate frequency influence. It can test salg resistance of refractories by soaking and crucible, and test multi-sample. 制作依据:该设备采用中频感应加热,可用侵入法和坩埚法测试耐火材料的抗渣蚀性,并可同时做多个试样的测试。
Executioners and judges have worn masks to avoid retaliation. 死刑执行者及审判官也穿戴面具,预防被罪犯报复。
Executions often took place on the day of conviction or on the denial of an appeal. 强制处决常常发生在定罪或上诉否决的当场。
Executive Councillor James Tien Pei-chun last night announced that he had resigned from Tung Chee-hwa's cabinet after his calls to delay the national security bill were rejected. 行政会议成员田北俊昨晚宣布,由于政府拒绝听取他的意见,没有押后为国安条例草案立法,故此决定退出董建华政府的执政联盟。

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