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Many of theseallowances are fiendishly complicated; they distort business decisions andraise the cost of tax compliance.

Many of these stem from a system of inter-governmental fiscal transfers that place enormous burdens on low-level governments to finance public services. 其中有许多问题源自于政府间的财务移转体制,这种体制将巨大的公共服务的财政负担推给了基层政府。
Many of these students come from different ethnic regions, and after graduation, some of them will return to their hometowns to work in these regions. 学生来自于各个不同的民族地区,毕业后很多同学将回到这些地区工作。
Many of these students opt for Au where they can study for one, two or three years and then transfer abroad. 大部分选择易三仓留学的学生是因为他们能够支付在那里一年、两年或者三年的费用然后再转学海外。
Many of these studies failed to control for such intervening variables as age, sex, education, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, marital standing, degree of religiosity and ignored the fact that most religions have sanctions against such insalubrious behav 这些研究有很多都没有控制可变因素,像是年龄、性别、教育程度、种族、社经地位、婚姻状况、宗教信仰,以及忽略了一个事实──绝大多数的宗教都反对有害健康的行为,例如乱交、酗酒、滥用药物,以及抽菸。
Many of these systems contain mature stars and so must have arisen even earlier. 这类星系中有许多具有成熟的恒星,因此形成的时间一定在更早之前。
Many of theseallowances are fiendishly complicated; they distort business decisions andraise the cost of tax compliance. 这类补贴机制通常极其复杂,甚至会扭曲商业决策过程,并提高税务合规成本。
Many of those Stanford MBA students who worked with bullies had no regrets about doing so. 曾经与霸王共事的很多斯坦福MBA学生都不觉得有何遗憾。
Many of those being questioned are believed to be Britons of Pakistani origin, although police have not confirmed that. 据信许多遭到警方盘问的人士是巴基斯坦裔英国人,但警方还没有证实这一说法。
Many of those choices might have seemed immoral to the outside world. 他的许多抉择被外人认为是不道德的。
Many of those problems stem, directly or indirectly, from growth. 这些问题很多是直接或间接因人口增加而衍生出来的。
Many of those who abstain consider smoking a sign of weakness or intemperance. 许多戒烟者将吸烟视作软弱或放纵的标志。

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