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All these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China, a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that you generation will help create.

All these brain systems are modulated by specific neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry messages between the brain's neurons. 这些脑系统都由特定的神经传递物调控,这些化学物质是负责脑部神经元之间讯息传递的。
All these camps look the same: deserted sheds, causal booths, bothering flies and hovering tykes. 罗恩这个月已经把几个地方都住过了。
All these capabilities are of course constrained by the physical resources of the platform at hand. 当然所有的这个能力受限于平台的物理资源。
All these changes have disciplined the banking sector. 所有这些改变规范了金融业。
All these changes improve the quality of the airflow passing underneath the car, which is then extracted by the rear diffuser. 所有这些改变都本质上加强了通过车底,将在车尾被扩散器吸出的气流。
All these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China, a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that you generation will help create. 所以的这些变化将导致中国更强大,更自信,这个中国将使世界瞩目,也将使世界更加丰富。
All these changes, the authors contend, will go a long way toward ensuring that the system is not biased against those who question bad patents. 两位作者说,要想让体制不倒向拥有问题专利的专利权人,就算实施以上所有的改变,还是件不简单的事。
All these commodities have a good quality. 这些商品品质优良。
All these contribute to the total costs of the products contracted. 所有这些都计入合同货物的总成本。
All these curses will come upon you. 45这一切咒诅必追随你,赶上你,直到你灭亡。
All these deep-rooted and underlying problems will take time to be addressed. 而解决这些深层次的问题需要时间。

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