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However in the case of a ship owned by a State and operated by a company which in that State is registered as the ship's operator, ownershall mean such company.

However in ART.INI, the header is much more important – in most cases, this dictates the image file that the object will use. 然而,在art.ini文件中,片断头更加重要——在绝大多数情况下,它指定了该对象使用的图像。
However in a heterogeneous society, there may not be a comparable goal. 但是在一个多种族的社会,可能没有一个可相比较的目标。
However in my last class I was promoted to famous celebrity as all the students wanted me to sign their books. 不过在最后一节课我成了名人,所有的学生都要我在他们的书上签名。
However in order to change the fate of human history, larger groups must convene. 然而为了改变人类历史的命运,必须召集更大的群体。
However in the West it doesn't carry the negative connotation it does in Japan. 然而,在西方它并没有像在日本一样有负面的含意。
However in the case of a ship owned by a State and operated by a company which in that State is registered as the ship's operator, ownershall mean such company. 但如船舶为国家所有而由在该国登记为船舶经营人的公司所经营,“船舶所有人”即指该公司。
However indeed this is the blueprint for your future ancestors who live in colder climates, until earth has warmed enough to become a tropical oasis again from North to South Pole. 不过实际上这是你们未来后代生活在更冷气候下的蓝图,直到地球足够变暖,从北极到南极再次变为热带绿洲为止。
However is possible to use any System with the same capabilities of the Notes - specially with ODBC, Replication, Views and integrated e-mail - as a fully programmable ERP System. 但是可以用同样的能力与任何制度注释-特意与ODBC的、复制、意见和综合电子邮件作为一个完全可编程ERP系统.
However it existence big disparity in many aspects that west owes the developed local countryside our country and the new rural reconstruction goal request. 然而我国西部欠发达地区农村在诸多方面都与新农村建设的目标要求存在较大差距。
However it is concluded that the location is not suitable for the habitat enlargement through analysis of landscape architecture including shape, connection, corridor construction as well as sociology. 文章侧重从景观学(形状、连接度、廊道构建)及社会(移民)两个角度对其优势度状况作尝试性分析,进而得出六合垸并不具有明显优势的初步结论。
However it is non official and will be known to people who chance upon it (for now). 不过,它是非官方的,而且只有巧遇的人能看到它(现在是如此)。

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