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Article126 An insurance broker is an entity which, for the sake of the interests of the insurant, provide intermediary services in signing insurance contracts on behalf of the insurant with the insurer and collect commissions according to law.

Article109 An Insurance supervision and administration department shall have the right to check the operations, financial situation and operation of funds of insurance companies and have the right to demand for the supply of related written reports and ma 第一百零九条保险监督管理机构有权检查保险公司的业务状况、财务状况及资金运用状况,有权要求保险公司在规定的期限内提供有关的书面报告和资料。
Article117 Upon the expiry of the take-over period, the insurance supervision and administration department may decide to extend the period, but the maximum term of the take-over period shall not exceed two years. 第一百一十七条接管期限届满,保险监督管理机构可以决定延期,但接管期限最长不得超过二年。
Article121 The actuaries to be employed by an insurance company shall have been acknowledged by the insurance supervision and administration department and the insurance companies shall establish an actuarial report system. 第一百二十一条保险公司必须聘用经保险监督管理机构认可的精算专业人员,建立精算报告制度。
Article122 The business reports, accounting reports, actuarial reports and other related statements, documents and materials must faithfully record the insurance operations, and may not contain any false records, misleading statements or major omissions. 第一百二十二条保险公司的营业报告、财务会计报告、精算报告及其他有关报表、文件和资料必须如实记录保险业务事项,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述和重大遗漏。
Article125 An insurance agent is an entity or individual who, entrusted by the insurer, collects commissions from the insurer and, on behalf of the insurer, handles insurance business within the scope authorized by the insurer. 第一百二十五条保险代理人是根据保险人的委托,向保险人收取代理手续费,并在保险人授权的范围内代为办理保险业务的单位或者个人。
Article126 An insurance broker is an entity which, for the sake of the interests of the insurant, provide intermediary services in signing insurance contracts on behalf of the insurant with the insurer and collect commissions according to law. 第一百二十六条保险经纪人是基于投保人的利益,为投保人与保险人订立保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金的单位。
Article127 In entrusting an insurance agent to handle the insurance business, an insurer shall sign an agent agreement with the insurance agent to agree upon the rights and obligations as well as other agent matters pursuant to law. 第一百二十七条保险人委托保险代理人代为办理保险业务的,应当与保险代理人签订委托代理协议,依法约定双方的权利和义务及其他代理事项。
Article129 In the handling of life insurance business, an individual insurance agent is not allowed to accept the trust of more than two insurers at the same time. 第一百二十九条个人保险代理人在代为办理人寿保险业务时,不得同时接受两个以上保险人的委托。
Article13. All units shall establish a property inventory system to ensure that the records of accounting books tally with the objects and funds. 第十三条各单位应当建立财产清查制度,保证帐簿记录与实物、款项相符。
Article132 An insurance agent and an insurance broker shall acquire the qualifications provided for by insurance supervision and administration department and obtain the insurance agency business permit of insurance brokerage permit from the insurance sup 第一百三十二条保险代理人、保险经纪人应当具备保险监督管理机构规定的资格条件,并取得保险监督管理机构颁发的经营保险代理业务许可证或者经纪业务许可证,向工商行政管理机关办理登记,领取营业执照,并缴存保证金或者投保职业责任保险。
Article133 An insurance agent and an insurance broker shall have their own operational sites, special books to record the receipts and expenditures of their agency operations or brokerage operations, and accept the supervision by the insurance supervision 第一百三十三条保险代理人、保险经纪人应当有自己的经营场所,设立专门账簿记载保险代理业务或者经纪业务的收支情况,并接受保险监督管理机构的监督。

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