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Hand twist cloth to squeeze out almond juice.

Hand pallets,wood working machines,lathe machines and hand tools. 供应手动扳手,木工机械,机床工具和其他手动工具.
Hand pointing at beautiful things. To show direction. 手对向美的事物,显示方向也。
Hand sketching also improves the feedback you get from users. 手绘还可以促进从用户那里获得反馈。
Hand stitched on vellum paper. This book is not only for you to read, you can also touch and feel it. 这本书不只是让人用眼睛看,还可以用手去触摸和感觉。
Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder. 把漆刷递上去交给梯子上的父亲。
Hand twist cloth to squeeze out almond juice. 用手扭动隔布榨出杏仁汁。
Hand-assembled from more than 125 separate parts. 超过125个零部件手工组装.
Hand-assembled, true to life in hand-painted duotone Smokey Gold Pearl and Vivid Black. 手工组装,手工涂装-烟熏珍珠金(香槟金)和深黑。
Hand-free mobile phone kits can reduce the effect of electromagnetic radiation from wireless phones by more than 90 percent, an Australian study released on Friday said. 星期五公布的澳洲研究指出:免持听筒手机套件可将电磁波辐射(对人体)的影响,降低九成以上。
Hand-held cameras create a quasi-documentary feel. 手提摄像机拍摄的画面让人感觉象是纪录片。
Hand-made Noodles, Dumplings and Wonton Noodles from RMB 18 up, Steamed Dumplings “Shanghai” special price at ¥12/ hutch+15% surcharge. 手工现制面条、饺子以及鲜味云吞,每款仅从¥18元起,上海特色小笼包价格为¥12/笼+15%的服务费。

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