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The machine is suitable for laying off leather , plastic , rubber , nylon , paper board . synthetic materials and other non-matallic materials .

The machine is suitable for cutting or all types printed/ woven label.Max cutting speed is about 1000 dozens per hour .The machine is simplicity or operation. 2100型自动切片机,可用于各种织印商标的切片,冷热切均可,速度快、操作简便,切刀中置,调长度不需工具手工即可,最高产量可达每小时1000打以上。
The machine is suitable for feeding of sidewall and filler strip material. The feeding of semi-finished material is optional according to customer's requirement. 适合胎侧及垫料的条料方式,半成品供料方式可根据用户要求选择。
The machine is suitable for feeding of sidewall and under break filler strip material. The feeding of semi-finished material is optional according to customer's requirement. 适合胎侧及垫料的条料方式,半成品供料方式可根据用户要求选择。
The machine is suitable for food stuff, fruit, toys, stat inonary, drugs, hard wares etc., for shrinkage use. 本机适于食品、水果、盐渍物、玩具、药品、五金工具、日用品等之收缩包装。
The machine is suitable for inspection of cotton, wollens, silk, polyester. 本机适用于棉、毛、丝、化纤等针织物的检验,落布用.
The machine is suitable for laying off leather , plastic , rubber , nylon , paper board . synthetic materials and other non-matallic materials . 本机又名下料机,主要适用于橡胶、塑料、皮革、尼龙、纸板、合成材料等非金属类之下料。
The machine is suitable for the packing of non-stick,bulk of granular medicines, foodstuffs and chemicals such as drink materials, medicinal pills,tea plant seeds and gourmet powder etc. 适用于医药、食品、化工等行业松散状无粘性颗粒物品的包装。如:冲剂、茶叶、植物种子、味精等。
The machine is suitable widely for toolrooms,medium and small machinery works as well us workshops for teaching and training. 本机床适用于中小型机械厂及教学实习工厂使用,也可用于工具车间。
The machine is the adopts low compressive stress electric current and singlechip to control hot-cement and folding,the whole process realizes intelligence. 该项机是由低压电流、单片机控制,良好的机械工艺相结合,使整个作业过程实现智能化。
The machine is the first to be able to follow the flow of sodium, allowing it to see the firing of individual brain cells instantaneously. 这是第一台能够追踪钠离子流动,因而得以即时观察到个别脑细胞触发的仪器。
The machine is the warp machine which can use variety of materials, Particularly applicable to gold wire and silver wire production According to user requirements, the golden, silver thread can be for cored wire or outsourcing wire. 该机是一种多种原料用途的包复丝机,特别适用于金(银)丝生产,可根据用户要求,将金(银)丝作芯丝或外包丝使用。

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