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By preventing North Korea playing its neighbours off against each other and America, this has cut Mr Kim's wiggle room.

By precisely controlling the rates of cooling and heating, ice crystal morphology can be intimately controlled and investigated. 通过合适的制冷和加热速率的控制,研究人员可以密切观察和控制冰晶体的形态。
By preliminary discussion on destructive influence mechanism of pyrite and sulfate, the results show it would make serious harm to slope stability, influent stability and the safety of hydraulic structure, which should be paid much attention. 通过对黄铁矿及硫酸盐的破坏影响机制进行初步分析表明,其对边坡稳定、渗流稳定及水工建筑物安全均可能造成重大危害,应引起广泛重视。
By presenting 2 sets of pictures representing different violating situations in which mother or child or both acted as violator (s) to 3 age groups of 4, 5, and 6 year-old, preschoolers' understanding of social contract in the form of conditional promise 摘要通过给4、5、6岁儿童呈现一系列图片,分别代表孩子、妈妈以及双方违反约定的不同情况,考察了幼儿对条件许诺形式的社会约定的理解。
By presenting a specific Asian perspective, Fiction@Love also reflects how contemporary Asia has caught up to the USA's lead in mass culture. 通过亚洲的特殊视角,《虚拟的爱》也反映了当代亚洲是怎样追赶美国对大众文化的领导。
By pressiong the 2 buttons,check the side by side lines one by one.If the light is on,it is phase line,otherwise it is the null line,In case there is a break in the line,move until hte light is off.That is the break point. 按两键)以铺好的三芯或四芯电缆或电线,可将另一端全部良好接地,再如图分别检测灯亮则通,此法适合楼房装修布线,将主线接地,边安装边测试。
By preventing North Korea playing its neighbours off against each other and America, this has cut Mr Kim's wiggle room. 通过阻止北朝鲜在临国之间和临国与美国间挑拨离间,这压缩了金先生回旋的空间。
By preventing this initial step of vaso-occlusive disease, improvements in microcirulation were noted. 通过对血管阻塞性疾患形成的初步步骤的影响,微循环得到改善。
By printing stamp colorfully, add various kinds of materials to mix and put up, represent vigor and sexy glamour. 以多彩印花,加上各种材质混搭,展现活力与性感魅力。
By process of foaming before sulfuration together with reasonable process, it is possible to work out qualified foam rubber base cloth for fillet clothing on domestic drum sulfuration machine. 采取“先发泡后硫化”的发泡工艺,通过合理的工艺配置,在国产鼓式硫化机上可制造出合格的适于梳毛弹性针布用的泡沫橡胶底布。
By producing a low-grade fever, your body may actually be helping eliminate the virus. 事实上,身体会通过产生一个相对较低温度的发烧来帮助消灭病毒。
By proper heat treatment ,it is possible to obtain certain chracteristics in metal such as hardness,tensile strength(ability to resist stretching),and ductility. 通过适当热处理,使金属得到某种特性,如硬度、抗拉强度(抗拉伸能力)和延性。

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