President Bush names marine general Peter Pace whole help shape the Pentagon's role in the war on terror to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
参谋长联席委员会,是美国总统及国防部长领导军事的咨询机构与指挥军队的执行机构。隶属于国防部。 |
President Bush opened the Memorial Day weekend with a call for Americans to rededicate themselves to the war on terror.
在周末阵亡将士纪念日上,布什总统用呼吁美国人们致力于反恐战争作为开场白。 |
President Bush promises to veto that legislation because he says timetables for a troop withdrawal would embolden the enemy and limit the flexibility of U. S. commanders on the ground.
民主党人认为设置最终期限将会使伊拉克政府对于自身安全负更多责任,并且迫使总统停止兑现他们所谓的“毫无限制地承诺在伊拉克留守大批部队”。 |
President Bush promises to veto that legislation because he says timetables for a troop withdrawal would embolden the enemy and limit the flexibility of U.S. commanders on the ground.
布什总统承诺否决此项立法,因为他称为撤军设立时间表会使得敌人更加胆大狂妄,并会限制战场上指挥官的机动性。 |
President Bush receives a hero's welcome today in Albania. Enthusiastic crowds greeted the president during his brief visit. It's the first time a US president has visited the Balkan country.
布什总统在阿尔巴尼亚受到了英雄般的礼遇。热情的民众在这次布什的短暂访问中纷纷向总统致意。这是历史上第一次有美国总统访问巴尔干国家。 |
President Bush referred to North Korean leader Kim Jung Il as a dangerous man, and said it is essential for the five nations dealing with Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions to speak with one voice.
布什说,北韩领导人金正日是一个危险人物,参与处理北韩核危机六方会谈的5个国家在对付北韩的时候需要声音一致。 |
President Bush released a statement. He said the new population mark is, in his words, further proof that the American Dream remains as bright and hopeful as ever.
布什总统就此发表了演说。用布什自己的话说,新人口数极大地证明了美国梦依然于从前一样光明,充满希望。 |
President Bush rules out helping North Korea build a civilian nuclear reactor for electricity until it dismantle s its nuclear weapons programmes.
布什总统表示除非朝鲜放弃发展核武器的计划,否则(美国)不会帮助其建设民用发电的核反应堆。 |
President Bush said American military commanders believe his plan can work.
布什总统说美国军队指挥官们相信他的计划会奏效的。 |
President Bush said Monday night he will send as many as 6,000 National Guard troops to the U.S. border with Mexico to help stop the flood of illegal immigrants, part of an administration drive to win conservative support in Congress for an election year
布什总统周一晚表示,他将派遣6000名国民警卫队士兵到美国与墨西哥边境,以组织哪里的非法移民狂潮,这次行政手段是为了在国会大选年赢得保守派的支持以革新混乱的移民法案。 |
President Bush said freedom is on the march in Afghanistan and that the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein has been held to account.
布什总统说,自由事业正在阿富汗向前推进,伊拉克的萨达姆政权受到惩罚。 |