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Conclusion The concentrations of cefoperazone sodium, chloromycetin, ciprofloxacin lactate and gentamycin sulfate showed significant influence on the coagulation time and detection rate of fibrinogen in plasma.

Conclusion The black rice pigment is more stable than amaranth and grape pigments. 结论黑米天然色素的光稳定性优于苋菜红和葡萄红天然色素。
Conclusion The cefoxitin sodium for injection is safe. 结论头孢西丁钠临床静脉和肌肉注射给药安全。
Conclusion The chest X-ray and CT examination are the common access to diagnose primary mediastinal tumor. 良性肿瘤无复发,恶性肿瘤出现远处转移7例,3年死亡6例,3年存活率73.9%。
Conclusion The choice of approach in primary total hip arthroplasty brings no functional difference, but the anterior approach is a safer technique with faster postoperative recovery. 结论手术切口的选择对髋关节置换的术后功能无影响,但前切口在初次全髋置换术中具有损伤小、恢复快的优势。
Conclusion The color Doppler parameters can obviously increase the diagnostic accuracy of breast masses if combined with gray-scale sonography features. 结论灰阶超声与彩色多普勒超声检查相结合可明显提高乳腺肿块超声诊断的准确率。
Conclusion The concentrations of cefoperazone sodium, chloromycetin, ciprofloxacin lactate and gentamycin sulfate showed significant influence on the coagulation time and detection rate of fibrinogen in plasma. 结论头孢哌酮钠、氯霉素、乳酸环丙沙星、硫酸庆大霉素等抗菌素及其浓度变化对血浆中纤维蛋白原的凝固时间和检出率有显著影响。
Conclusion The conditional province and city should set up one's own microbial medicine quality and accuse of the department, gather, accuse of work make better unit medicine quick result as geology, make guidance to clinician's administration. 结论有条件的省市应该建立起自己的微生物药物质控部门,汇总当地质控工作做得较好的单位的药敏结果,对临床医生用药做出指导。
Conclusion The coverage of heath insurance of urban unemployment should be improved. 结论需要提高城市不在业者的医疗保障覆盖率。
Conclusion The detection of pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic sensitivity tests play an imprortant role in proper choice of antibiotics. 结论根据眼外伤结膜囊病原菌及药敏试验,治疗中合理选择抗生素。
Conclusion The enzyme digestion procedure is a stable and reliable method to obtain bovine retinal pericytes. 结论:酶消化法原代培养牛视网膜周细胞是一种稳定、可靠的方法。
Conclusion The first choice for the treatment of tuberculous tracheal or bronchial stenosis is lobectomy or pneumonectomy with trachial or bronchial plasty surgery. 结论对气管、支气管结核性狭窄,将狭窄之气管、支气管连同受累肺叶一并切除并加气管或支气管成形术为首选方式。

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