Be appreciating the ping of month to browse a short moment, then along marble mountain way ten classes but up, ascend 819 class steps, can go directly to palace of the moon. |
中文意思: 在赏月坪浏览片刻,便沿着大理石山道拾级而上,登八百一十九级台阶,可直达月宫。 |
Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live, and center your deliberation on its exigencies and requirements.
应急且关注当代之需要,集中思考其危机和要求。 |
Be apart from in 2006 the of recreational exposition in world in Hangzhou main park area “one lake three parks” one step, the transportation was extremely convenient, closing to high-speed exit and entrance of the high speed of HangYong and the HangJinQu,
距2006年杭州世界休闲博览会主园区“一湖三园”一步之遥,交通极为便利,靠近杭甬高速和杭金衢高速出入口,毗邻萧山火车站、汽车站,离杭州西湖风景区,杭州萧山国际机场只需20分钟的车程。 |
Be appalled at this, O heavens, And be horrified; be very desolate, Declares Jehovah.
12诸天哪,要因此惊骇、恐慌,极其凄凉;这是耶和华说的。 |
Be appalled at this, O heavens, and shudder with great horror,declares the LORD.
12诸天哪、要因此惊奇、极其恐慌、甚为凄凉.这是耶和华说的。 |
Be applicable to all kinds of home appliances and electronics products. Such as Electric Motors,Fluorescent Ballasts,Battery Chargers,Transformers,Solenoids,Heating pads,OA-Machines ETC.
适用于各种家用电器和电子产品。如马达、日光灯镇流器、电池充电器、变压器、园筒形线圈、电蒸气浴机、电热水器、办公自动化设备等的过热保护。 |
Be appreciating the ping of month to browse a short moment, then along marble mountain way ten classes but up, ascend 819 class steps, can go directly to palace of the moon.
在赏月坪浏览片刻,便沿着大理石山道拾级而上,登八百一十九级台阶,可直达月宫。 |
Be arised in Beijing.
成长在北京。 |
Be as calm in your waiting; let your hearts be strong: because the coming of the Lord is near.
你们也当忍耐,坚固你们的心。因为主来的日子近了。 |
Be as vague as possible; this prevents irritating the others.
发言愈含糊愈好,这样才不会激怒别人。 |
Be assured of my constancy to yours, and of my appreciation of them.
我保证对你忠贞不渝;你的美德,铭记在我心间。 |
Be assured that I shall always, with pleasure, be at your service in same cases.
请坚信,在类似的情形下,我都会高兴地为您服务。 |