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China's mining industry is the world's most dangerous.

China's marketization of exchange rate is pushed by governments. 摘要我国的汇率市场化是政府推进型的汇率市场化。
China's markets have surged on record trading volumes, despite efforts by officials to talk them down. 中国股市的交易量也一直猛增,尽管政府官员努力抑制交易量的上涨。
China's massive hoard is the result of its large current-account surplus, significant inward foreign direct investment, and big inflows of speculative capital over the past couple of years. 这么大的储备是中国巨额现金帐户余额的结果,值得注意的外国流入的直接投资,以及过去几年中大量流入的投机资本。
China's maximum carrying capacity (the number of people China's land can support on a sustainable basis) is estimated to be? 按照可持续的指标,中国最大的人口承载力大约是多少?
China's military tradition is characteristically one of seeking peace. 中国军事传统的基本特色是谋求和平。
China's mining industry is the world's most dangerous. 中国的采矿业是世界上最危险的。
China's ministry of finance tripled a stamp tax on securities transactions to 0.3%, the first time the tax has been raised in ten years, in a determined effort by the government to cool what many see as dangerously overheated stockmarkets. 中国财政部将证券交易印花税调高至原来的3倍,即0.3%,这是十年来对该税的首次调整,此举体现了政府为许多人士视为危险过热的股市降温的决心。
China's miraculous rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific region has attracted, and will continue to attract, a growing number of business, manufacturing and financial giants in our country to invest in China. 中国奇迹般地迅速崛起为亚太地区最具实力的经济强国之一,吸引了并将继续吸引我国越来越多的商业、制造业和金融业的巨头来华投资。
China's modernization should realize the importance of basic science. 中国的现代化,必须要意识到基础科学的重要性。
China's monetary policy is also constrained by its rigid exchange-rate regime. 严格的外汇管制使得货币政策难以施展手脚。
China's more than 5,000-km-long engineering and architectural marvel is followed by the pink-colored ruins of Petra in Jordan, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, the Mayan city of Chichen Itza in 除中国的万里长城外,粉红色的约旦佩特拉古城、巴西里约热内卢的基督像、秘鲁的马丘比丘印加遗址、墨西哥的奇琴伊察玛雅城邦遗址、意大利的古罗马斗兽场和印度的泰姬陵也入选“世界新七大奇迹”。

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