From theory to practice, macrocosm to microcosm, by using the theories of communication and culture, this paper diagnoses Chinese TV amusement communication to seek the way for its development.
文章运用传播学、文化学的理论把脉中国的电视娱乐传播,从学理到实践,从宏观到微观,为中国电视娱乐传播的发展求解。 |
From there , I looked out to sea .
在那儿,我眺望大海。 |
From there I gained a real interest in fitness.
从那时起,我真的对健身产生了兴趣。 |
From there he seeks out his food; his eyes detect it from afar.
29从那里窥看食物,眼睛远远观望。 |
From there he spies out food; His eyes gaze on it from afar.
29从那里窥看食物,眼睛远远观望。 |
From there he went up to Beersheba.
23以撒从那里上别是巴去。 |
From there hove forward ten (10) feet until you are over the landing area, then hover to the left ten (10) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
水平前进10呎,直到直升机到达降落区的上空,向左水平移动10呎,保持静止停悬10秒钟。 |
From there hover backward twenty (20) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
然后水平后退20尺,保持静止停悬10秒钟。 |
From there hover to the right twenty (20) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
然后向右水平移动20尺,保持静止停悬10秒钟。 |
From there is life memory of that from day, I have been making it a rule to enjoy own dark and sensitive to arrive what several near neurotic personalities bring standing alone underneath for an instant but the thin and cold pleasure for dying, -this brea
从有生命记忆的那天起,我就一直习惯于享受自己阴郁和敏感到几近神经质的性格所带来的孤独下面一瞬而逝的淡冷的欢愉,——这断不是我真正想要的.毕竟,寻到一份长相厮守抑或尽管只是曾经但刻骨铭心的感情,仍然是千百年来多大数人吟唱不休甚至生死相许的追求;——我确定要为自己的感情改变些什么了.等你等了太久,你却还没有出现,但我不会放弃,我会继续坚定的等下去. |
From there it is an easy canter into recounting your current success and plans for future world domination.
以此为基础,记者就能轻而易举地叙述你现在的成功和主导国际市场的未来计划。 |