It is the ideal companion in a great number of applications where reliable monitoring of Oxygen, toxic and combustibles gases and vapors in the ambient air is necessary.
这个仪器可以理想的用于大量的在环境空气里需要检测氧气,毒气和蒸气的场合。 |
It is the ideal equipment of paper pulp removing section and dregs and the thick liquid material screens and purified in modemized papermaking industry.
是现代化造纸工业中纸浆除节、除渣、浆料筛选净化的理想设备。 |
It is the ideal equipment to control a great changing flow, to open and close frequently and to stop quickly.
是控制流量变化较大,启动频繁,切断迅速的理想设备。 |
It is the ideal time-measuring tool used in scientific research, education, medical treatment, national defence, and industrial and mining production.
是工矿、国防、科研、文教、医疗等部门理想的计时工具。 |
It is the immediate way.
这是直接的道路。 |
It is the important characteristic for socialism.
社会主义精神文明是社会主义的重要特征。 |
It is the important part of the character recognition that the recognition of numbers and letters in the license plate.
车牌数字及字母字符识别是车牌字符识别的重要组成部分。 |
It is the inescapable duty of management to fire incompetent people.
辞退能力不足的人是管理阶层无可避免的责任。 |
It is the inevitable requirement of Materialism to replace association form with production relation to elaborate the development of social history.
以生产关系取代交往形式来阐述人类社会历史的发展是真正的唯物主义的必然要求。 |
It is the influence originated from the system and culture that has been recognized by the private business owners as the only path to upward social mobility.
正是这些源于制度与文化的影响使私营企业主认同积累文化资本才是实现向上流动的唯一途径。 |
It is the inner demands and important way for Maintaining the Advanced Nature of the CPC to face to the reality of being hard to criticize, deeply analyze its reasons, do something exemplarily, and improve the quality of criticism and self-criticism.
深刻剖析“批评难”的现状及原因,从自我做起勇于开展批评与自我批评,并努力提高开展批评与自我批评的质量是保持共产党员先进性的内在要求和重要途径。 |