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Is history the product of impersonal social and economic forces?

Is America in a famine? “美国在闹饥荒吗?”
Is China an issue for the world? “中国是影响世界的力量之一么?
Is Edward on active service? No, he's been boarded out. 爱德华还在服现役吗?不,他已因病复员了。
Is he accepting on declining? I need to know,she complained to her husband. “我得知道他是接受还是谢绝了邀请。”她对丈夫抱怨道。
Is her speech disorder permanent? “他是患了永久性的口吃吗?”
Is history the product of impersonal social and economic forces? 历史是非个人的社会及经济力量下的产物吗?
Is it Wednesday today?Yes,it is. “今天是星期三吗?”“是的,是星期三。”
Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up And makes his nest on high? 伯39:27大鹰上腾、在高处搭窝、岂是听你的吩咐麽。
Is it for your piety that he rebukes you and brings charges against you? 4岂是因你敬畏他、就责备你、审判你麽。
Is it not enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in the wilderness, but you would also lord it over us? 民16:13你将我们从流奶与蜜之地领上来、要在旷野杀我们、这岂为小事、你还要自立为王辖管我们麽。
Is it nothing to all you who pass this way? 你们一切过路的人哪,这事你们不介意麽。

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