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This race is either swum by one swimmer as Individual Medley (IM) or by four swimmers as a Medley Relay.

This quiz has been taken 1235 times. 这个测试一共被做过1235次.
This quote from Anne Frank really answers for me the question: “Why I Am A Rotarian”. 我以安妮?佛兰克的话来确确实实地来回答〝我为何会成为一位扶轮社员〞的问题。
This quote is important because it reveals to us the purpose of forgiveness - that our brother be restored. 这节经非常重要,因为它向我们揭示了饶恕的目的——那就是我们能够重新赢得我们的弟兄。
This rabbit disappeared in front of my eyes. 这只兔子在我眼前消失了。
This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits. 这种兔子在澳大利亚及新西兰没有天敌,因此便以兔子所特有的杂乱交配迅猛繁殖起来。
This race is either swum by one swimmer as Individual Medley (IM) or by four swimmers as a Medley Relay. 一个人游称作个人混合泳(IM),四个人游称作混合泳接力。
This race is part of 2005 Friendship Yacht Race from Ishigaki (Okinawa) To Keelung (Taiwan), all boats register above race shall automotive be a part of Around Keelung Island Race and entry fee is included, for local boat must register before April 10, th 所有报名参加此中日友好亲善国际帆船竞赛由石垣至基隆之帆船,为当然参赛环绕基隆岛之船队(其报名费已含),其他在台湾报名的帆船需于4/10前完成报名,而费用每艘船新台币参仟元整,每位航员新台币壹仟元整.
This radical-looking aero solution was used in the last test at Jerez and then adopted for France. 这个看起来极端的空力解决方案是在上一次赫雷斯测试时使用,之后在法国站被采纳。
This radio has a two-year guarantee. 这台收音机保修两年。
This radio signal has a frequency of 200,000 cycles per second. 这个无线电信号的频率是每秒200,000周期。
This radio signal has a frequency of 800000 cycles per second. 这个无线电讯号的频率是每秒八百千周。

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