Well I was under the impression that Tim Duncan wasn't a degenerate wife beating psychopath.
嗯,在我的印象里,邓肯并不是一个下流的打老婆的神经病。 |
Well I watched the game from start to finish and I can tell you as a very experienced Rockets fan [25 seasons] that Padgett who was once considered a decent shooter is no longer worthy of the amount playing time he is taking away from Novak.
我从头到尾看完了比赛,作为一个资深的火箭球迷(25个赛季了),我可以告诉你们,帕吉特,原来被成为一个出色的投手,但他的贡献相比于他从诺瓦克那里争取过来的出场时间,远远不值。 |
Well I'm a have to just gon head and call this boy.
我下定决心打电话给这个男的了。 |
Well all he is is our BEST outside shooter BY FAR (right at 50% 3PT), and an excellent combo reserve guard. He can play 1 if needed and 2.
然而他现在已经是我们最好的外线射手(恰好50%的3分命中率),一个优秀的替补后卫(组织后卫和得分后卫的混合体)。如果需要,他能打1号位(组织后卫),他也能打2号位(得分后卫)。 |
Well as he does in study, he is not arrogant .
虽然他功课很好,却一点都不傲慢。 |
Well as he does in study, he is not arrogant.
虽然他功课很好,却一点都不傲慢。 |
Well aware of the difficulties, educators have given a great deal of thought to how they can best help children learn to read.
教育工作者对这些困难知之甚详,因此花了很多工夫构思帮助孩子学习阅读的方法。 |
Well balanced tannins and a long finish suit rich foods with heavy cream based sauces.
均衡的丹宁酸,余味悠长,适合与口味较重的食物及含有奶油味的沙拉相配。 |
Well be a good boy and have fun.
要做个好孩子也要玩得尽兴。 |
Well before a Bollywood film hits the screen, its soundtrack hits the airwaves, part of a pre-release blitz to build an audience for coming attractions.
在一部宝莱坞影片在荧幕上打榜之前,它的配乐首先开始在电台中打榜,为了能在影片上映之前迅速地占领一部分观众群。 |
Well before you get all excited I still have pending payout from 02.05.2006 and found many others reporting same issue of still pending payments before 09.05.2006.
当你为此消息高兴的同时,我仍然在等待5月2日到期的支付,同样也看到不少人发布消息说等待5月9日之前的支付。 |