Legolas: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East…a sleepless malice.
莱戈拉斯:星星们遮遮掩掩。一些东西在东方蠢蠢欲动…是一股失眠的邪恶。 |
Legolatte peeked out from under his cheesecloth blindfold. Alas for the folly of these days!
莱戈拉特从他的粗棉眼罩里往外偷看,「真可惜,这种愚行真是浪费了大好时光! |
Legrand continues expansion in China by investing in TCL International Electrical, the number-one in wiring devices in China, TCL Building Technology, which holds strong positions in Voice Data Image (VDI), and Shidean Technology, the Chinese leader in au
总部位于上海的罗格朗中国,正通过其位于北京昌平的工厂和上海外高桥保税区的物流中心支持着遍及全国的销售队伍,积极拓展国内低压配电业务。 |
Legs, heads, tails, and all the other parts of cattle's anatomy hung from the hooks.
牛腿、牛头、牛尾,还有牛身上的其他部位,就挂在钩子上。 |
Lehman Brothers Commercial Corporation Asia Ltd is a subsidiary of US Investment Bank Lehman Brothers and UMC Capital is the direct investment arm of Taiwan semiconductor foundry United Microelectronics Corp.
雷曼兄弟亚洲投资有限公司是美国雷曼兄弟投资银行的分公司,联电基金是台湾半导体制造商联合微电子公司的直属投资机构。 |
Lehman Brothers Commercial Corporation Asia Ltd is a subsidiary of US Investment Bank Lehman Brothers.
雷曼兄弟亚洲投资有限公司是美国雷曼兄弟投资银行的分公司。 |
Lehman Brothers earlier this year said Asian expansion was its top priority.
今年早些时候,雷曼兄弟表示,拓展亚洲业务是其重中之重。 |
Lehman and IBM executives said they planned to put money into companies for about five to seven years before cashing out.
雷曼兄弟和IBM的高管表示,他们计划对这些公司投资约5至7年后,才将资金撤出。 |
Lehman's share price fell on the day of the report and fell again the next day.
雷曼的股价在报告出台的当天和第二天都下跌。 |
Lehmann revealed how he shouts at his defenders to keep them on their toes and commended them for their efforts during the Gunners' eye-catching run to the brink of the next month's showpiece in Paris.
在阿森纳向下个月的巴黎进军的比赛中莱曼总是大声呼喊,提醒后卫们注意站位,并称赞他们的出色表现。 |
Lei D-L, Yang DL and Liu HM.
雷德亮,廖丽民,楚亚平,刘湘梅。 |