Earlier, a body headed by the Metropolitan Police had decided this was unnecessary.
然而之前大伦敦警察厅下属的一个机构已经认定此举毫无必要。 |
Earlier, civil aviation officials said hijackers seized a Boeing 737 jetliner shortly after its departure from Bombay late Wednesday night, reportedly with 54 people on board.
早些时候,民用航空部门的官员曾披露,在星期三的深夜一伙劫机分子控制了一架刚从孟买起飞不久的波音737喷气客机,机上据说有54人. |
Earlier, details about early specs and box cover packaging for the HD DVD release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire appeared on Warner Home Video's official retail and press website (only to later disappear).
早些时候,一篇关于《哈利波特与火焰杯》HD-DVD早期规格及封面包装的详细情况的报道(报道点这里),出现在华纳家庭影象官方的零售和新闻网站上(只是后来被新闻撤下来了)。 |
Earlier, in London, Brent North Sea crude oil for September delivery tumbled 93 cents to 28.00 US dollars a barrel.
而因此,运送到纽约的低硫油参考价格,也比(去年)8月以来下降了18美分。即每桶31.78美元。 |
Earlier, police widened the security cordon around the G20 summit, bundling protesters out of the new no-go zone and closing one of Melbourne's busiest streets.
在此之前,警方加宽了该峰会会场周围的警戒区域,将抗议者驱赶到新的戒严区外还关停了墨尔本一条最繁华的街道。 |
Earlier, rival candidate Hilary Rodham Clinton called his foreign policy ideas naive.
早些时候他的竞争对手候选人哈里利·罗汉·克林顿说他的外交政策太天真了。 |
Earlier, suicide bombers in two explosives-packed cars hit a Pakistan army convoy.
早些时候,自杀炸弹手开着两个炸药包装车撞倒一名巴基斯坦军队车队。 |
Earlier, the company's Fisher-Price unit had found lead paint on its toys, at least some of which came from Mr Zhang's factory.
先前,美泰公司旗下费雪公司已经发现了他们的玩具上的铅含量超标,其中相当数量的玩具都来自张树鸿的工厂。 |
Earlier, the spokeswoman for the convention had announced that the congress had decided to approve two Christmases, one on July 24-25 for the southern hemisphere and another one on December 24-25 for the northern hemisphere.
之前,大会发言人曾宣布,会议决定批准设立两个圣诞节的提议,即南半球的圣诞节设在7月24到25日,北半球则是12月24到25日。 |
Earlier, thousands lined The Mall in the sweltering heat to watch the traditional Trooping the Colour, made even more special this year because of the Queen's milestone anniversary.
此前,成千上万的人在酷暑中站在林荫大道两旁,观看皇家军队阅兵,由于女王的80岁寿辰意义非同寻常,所以今年的阅兵仪式更为隆重。 |
Earlier, we read about the stubborn hog butcher, Hsuan 4.
此前我们读过关于那个固执的杀猪人宣四的故事。 |