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Some Biological Data of Three-Toed Pygmy Jerboa

Solution of Quasi-TE_(m0) Mode in Ferrite Slabs Loaded Ridged and Grooved Waveguides 含铁氧体片的脊形和槽形波导的准TE_(m0)模解
Solvent Effect on Fluorescence Decay of Laser Dye DCM in Protic and Aprotic Solvents 溶剂对激光染料DCM的荧光衰变过程的影响
Somatic embryos matured on N medium and developed into plantlets by culturing the mature somatic embryos on /MS medium containing 0. mg·L-indole- -butyric acid. L-培养基上大量增殖,体细胞胚胎在N培养基上成熟后,可在附加0.mg. L-IBA的/MS培养基上生长。
Somatostatin(SS) and motlin(MTL) contents were determined systematically by radioimoassay(RIA) in the tissues of central nervos system(CNS) (,regions) in human fetuses. 应用RIA法系统测定例胎儿中枢神经系统(CNS)组织中的生长抑素(SS)和胃动素(MTL)含量。
Somber Song that King Lear - humanism the Ideal Sing 《李尔王》——人文主义理想的悲歌绝唱
Some Biological Data of Three-Toed Pygmy Jerboa 三趾心颅跳鼠的一些生物学资料
Some Clever Application of the Identity x~=|x|~ to Solve the Quadratic Equation with One Unknown Number 恒等式x~=|x|~在解一元二次方程中的妙用
Some Combustion Problems in Diesel Engines 柴油机的燃烧问题
Some Extension on the Kellogg Theorem 关于Kellogg定理的若干推广(英文)
Some Factors Affecting Analytical Results of Sucrose Content in Malted Milk Powder and Other Dairy products 试述测定麦乳精类及其它乳制品蔗糖含量产生偏差的原因
Some Key Issues Relating to High Precision GPS Positioning and Crustal Deformation Analysis 高精度GPS定位及地壳形变分析若干问题的研究

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