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Furthermore, the procedure is also used to detect the activity of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (M-MLV-RT), Avian Myeloblastosis Virus reverse transcriptase (AMV-RT) and duck hepatitis B virus replication complex (DHBV RCs).
在成功构建HIV- RT ELISA检测方法的基础上,利用该方法,进一步检测了莫洛尼鼠白血病病毒逆转录酶(M-MLV-RT)、禽类成髓细胞瘤病毒逆转录酶(AMV-RT)及鸭乙型肝炎复制复合体(DHBV RCs)的活性,同时还检测了HIV-感染细胞上清中RT的活性,证明ELISA法适用于具有逆转录特征的多种病毒酶的体外活性检测。

Further combined loading tests with phenylalanine(Phe) (00*!mg/kg) and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH) (7.*!mg/kg) were performed in suspected patients with abnormal urinary pterin profiles. 对尿蝶呤异常者进一步作苯丙氨酸 (Phe) (0 0mg/kg)及BH (7 mg/kg)联合负荷试验。
Further decarbonylation of in refluxing toluene gave the metal-metal triply bonded compound [η-BzC(CO)Mo] in 98% yield. 在沸腾的甲苯中可进一步脱羰而以98%的产率生成金属-金属三键化合物[η~-Bz_C_(CO)_Mo]_ 。
Further, the mechanisms of eIF-A in the regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis are elusive. 阻断UP通路后的敏感蛋白之一——真核翻译起始因子A(eIF-A)参与细胞增殖和凋亡调控的机制也有待阐明。
Furthermore if internal surface is over heat,melt metal shall drop into impedor and shall low the life cycle and properties of impedor. 另外,管壁内表面过热熔化金属掉入阻抗器,会降低阻抗器的寿命和性能。
Furthermore the improvements of ungual microcirculation and hemorheolory were more obvious in treatment group than those in control group (P<0.0). 治疗组治疗前后甲皱微循环加权积分值及血液流变学均有明显改善 (P <0 .0 )。
Furthermore, the procedure is also used to detect the activity of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (M-MLV-RT), Avian Myeloblastosis Virus reverse transcriptase (AMV-RT) and duck hepatitis B virus replication complex (DHBV RCs). 在成功构建HIV- RT ELISA检测方法的基础上,利用该方法,进一步检测了莫洛尼鼠白血病病毒逆转录酶(M-MLV-RT)、禽类成髓细胞瘤病毒逆转录酶(AMV-RT)及鸭乙型肝炎复制复合体(DHBV RCs)的活性,同时还检测了HIV-感染细胞上清中RT的活性,证明ELISA法适用于具有逆转录特征的多种病毒酶的体外活性检测。
Furthermore,the PMD tolerance limit is also improved from 0.7/bit slot to 0./bit slot when the system tolerable outage probability is ×0~(- ). 在信号丢失率为0- 条件下,PMD容限由补偿前的0.7/单位比特周期,可提高到补偿后的0./单位比特周期。
Futile Treatment:Practitioner's Puzzle 无效治疗——医者的困扰
Future work consists in realizing a large-scale in-situ heater test(PRACLAY experiments) that will start in 00 for a period about 0 years. 下一步工作内容包括实现大尺寸现场加热器试验(PRACLAY 试验),此试验预计于 00 年开始,并可持续 0 a 之久。
Fuzzy Lingua and Fuzzy Rule’s Representation Based on BP Network 基于 BP 神经网络的模糊语言及其规则表示
Fuzzy Modus Ponens (FMP) and Fuzzy Modus Tollens (FMT ) are two kinds fuzzy reasoning models . FMP(肯定前件式)和FMT(否定后件式)是模糊推理的两种基本模型。

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