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Results For tinea pedis and tinea corporis and cruris clinical cure rates were 9. 7%、89.0% and 8.0% and overall effective rates were 00%、97.8% and 97.0%.
临床痊愈率分别为9.7%、89.0%、8.0%; 总有效率分别为00%、97.8%、9 .0%。

Results EPQ-P scores for the sailors were lower than the Chinese naval norm(P<0.0). 果本组舰员EPQ-P各分量表结果低于中国海军常模(P<0.0)。
Results Expression of RARα and RARγ genes was seen in cortex and medulla of thymus. Whereas the RXRα and RXRβmRNA positive cells were found in the medulla of human thymus,mainly in the outer wall region of Hassall's corpuscles. 果 原位杂交结果显示,胸腺皮质及髓质均表达RAR α、RARγmRNA,而RXRα、RXR βmRNA主要在胸腺髓质表达,尤其在哈氏小体外周成熟的胸腺细胞表达较高。
Results Flow cytometry results showed that IFN-γ,IFN-α,and TNF could up-regulate Fas,TRAIL,and DR expression on ECV 0.The most eminent result was that the percentage of Fas-expressing cells increased from 77.8% to 98.% by the modulation of IFN-γ. 果静止ECV 0细胞膜表面有Fas、TRAIL、DR和DR等分子不同水平的组成性表达,IFN-γ、IFN-α和TNF等细胞因子刺激后,Fas、TRAIL和DR表达增加,其中IFN-γ对Fas的上调作用最显著,可使表达Fas细胞的阳性率从77.8%上升至98.%;
Results Fluorescence could be seen around schistosomula in pEGFP-N -Sj Dad (antisense) pEGFP- N and pEGFP- N - Sj Dad (sense), whereas nothing in NS group. 果 在PEGFP-N -Sj Dad(antisense)组、pEGFP-N -Sj Dadl(sense)组以及pEGFP-N 组小鼠肺部冰冻切片检查发现在童虫周围有绿色荧光出现,而在生理盐水组则无此现象。
Results Follow up 9 case(8sides of nasal cavity),in that the coalescent period is days on average of coating MEBO and . days on average of dipping furacin ephedrine. 果成功随访9例8侧鼻腔。 其中,湿润烧伤膏涂布侧鼻腔黏膜愈合时间平均天,呋喃西林麻黄素侧鼻腔平均.天。
Results For tinea pedis and tinea corporis and cruris clinical cure rates were 9. 7%、89.0% and 8.0% and overall effective rates were 00%、97.8% and 97.0%. 临床痊愈率分别为9.7%、89.0%、8.0%; 总有效率分别为00%、97.8%、9 .0%。
Results Fourteen cases(8. %) out of with acratia and 0 cases((0.0%)) out of 0 with anorexia got better after treatment; 果疗前例存在乏力,用药后例(8. %)患者有好转; 疗前0例存在厌食,0例(0.0%)好转。
Results HIF-α and COX- were not expressed or poorly expressed in the normal esophageal tissues, whereas their positive rates of expression in ESCC were 9% and %, respectively. 果:HIF-α、COX-在正常的食管组织中不表达或很微弱的表达,在ESCC组织中阳性率分别为9%、%,HIF-α、COX-表达程度呈正相关;
Results HRP-L-ENK double-labeled cells were found in paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, red nucleus, lateral vestibular nucleus, minimus nucleus, reticular nucleus of pontis caudalis, gigantocellular reticular nucleus. 果下丘脑室旁核、红核、前庭神经外侧核、Minimus核、脑桥尾测网状核.巨细胞网状核均出现了HRP-L-ENK双标细胞。
Results High performance chromatography was established to determine sorts of additives: lemon yellow, amaranth, sunset yellow, benzoic acid, sorbic acid and saccharin sodium; RSD was .%, 0. %, 0.%, 0.9%, .0% and .9% respectively; 果建立了同时测定柠檬黄、苋菜红、日落黄、苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖精钠种添加剂的高效液相色谱法RSD分别为·%、0· %、0·%、0·9%、·0%、·9%;
Results Hydroxyapatite has superor biocompatibility and ability to bind directy to bone. 果 羟磷灰石材料具有良好的生物相容性,能促进骨组织的修复,并能与骨组织形成骨性结合。

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