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Be humbled before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

Be honest with yourself before getting involved with someone who is likely to lead you on. 在和别人发展关系之前要对自己忠诚。
Be honest, persistent and affectionate and you will get the response you are looking for. 只要面对,坚持并热心就能得到你想要的回应。
Be honest, trustworthy and ethical in all our relationships. 在所有交往中坚持诚实、信任和道德的原则。
Be honest, you'll make a fortune out of the investment. 说实话,你会从此投资中发一笔财的。
Be humble, be harmless, gave no pretension, be upright, forbearing, serve you teacher in true obedience. 要谦虚,无恶意,不虚伪,要正直,宽容,对你的老师要真正的服从。
Be humbled before the Lord, and He will exalt you. 10你们要在主面前降卑,主就必叫你们升高。
Be in charge of confirming all new packing designs (Mainly the confirmation of technologic problems). 6负责所有新包装设计的确认;(主要是技术层面的问题确认。
Be in charge of entire financial affairs system administration, administrative decision provides financial analysis and support to the company. 负责整个财务系统管理,为公司管理决策提供财务分析和支持.
Be in charge of production, facility maintenance, and production planning. 全面负责生产、设备管理和生产调度。
Be in charge of the implementation and management of project:begin with project receiving from Sales Dept,close with transmitting the completed project to After-Sales Service Dept. 负责项目的实施及管理:从销售部门接收到项目开始,到项目完成转移到售后服务部门结束。
Be in new start Five-Year Plan in developing the strategy, have two serious content: It is collaboration of as strong as the world look forward to, produce Chinese textile advantage and international brand advantage adequately, integrated industry catenar 在新启动的“五年计划”发展战略中,有两项重要内容:一是与世界强企合作,充分发挥中国纺织品优势与国际品牌优势,整合产业链,提升附加值;二是与大院高校合作,设立服装研发中心,建立完善的研发设计、生产、营销、服务体系,以“设计引领时尚、生产保证品质、营销开拓市场、服务赢得信誉”为企业发展新概念、新目标,以“务实、稳健、创新、超越”为企业理念,争取成为行业翘楚,努力树立中华民族企业形象,打造国际一流名牌。

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