Spitzer, L. Jr., Physics Processes in the Interstellar Medium, Wiley, New York, 1978. |
中文意思: 斯必泽(蔡贤德译),《星际介质物理学》,科学出版社,北京,1988。 |
Spite is never lonely; envy always tags along.
怨恨绝不孤独;嫉妒总是与它相随。 |
Spite: Target 3 players, 2 sec cast. Deal natural damage 7444-7556, and then put the targets in immunity for 6 secs, you need to heal them up in those 6 secs.
困扰:3个目标,2秒施法时间,造成7444-7556点自然伤害(这就是为啥要磕自然抗了),然后让这些目标免疫6秒,你必须在这6秒治疗他们。 |
Spitting could start to become costly.
从今以后,随地吐痰可得要付出“代价”了。 |
Spitting or urination in the pool including the drainage gutters is strictly forbidden.
禁止在池内或周围包括排水栅等处吐痰或小便。 |
Spitzer exposed infant stars deeply embedded in a cocoon of dust and gas (orange-yellow dots).
斯必择将深埋在尘埃和气体茧中的婴儿恒星(橙黄色点)暴露出来。 |
Spitzer, L. Jr., Physics Processes in the Interstellar Medium, Wiley, New York, 1978.
斯必泽(蔡贤德译),《星际介质物理学》,科学出版社,北京,1988。 |
Splash and dash: A pit stop in the closing laps of the race when a driver calls in for just a few litres of fuel to be sure of making it to the finish.
加油冲刺:车手在比赛最后几圈中提出的维修区停靠要求,这是为了确保车辆能坚持跑到终点而进行少量加油。 |
Splash is an action, puzzle and strategy packed game that is both addictive and fun.
最新的休闲游戏,一起来体验一下吧,画面非常漂亮,游戏也简单! |
Splash-down is scheduled for 5.30 am.
航天器的预定溅落时间为上午5时30分. |
Spleen and Stomach meridian Jing-Well points(Left)are low.
脾胃经左侧井穴能量低。 |
Splendid and majestic is His work, And His righteousness endures forever.
诗111:3他所行的是尊荣、和威严。他的公义存到永远。 |