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What requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?

What remains indisputable is the historical fact that the blues was developed entirely by the Black American, who over the years incorporated African elements of melody, rhythm, and phrasing with the European inventions of diatonic harmony and form. 不可辩驳的史实表明,蓝调乐的发展在其初期完全是由美洲黑人来完成的:他们在其中融合了非洲音乐中的旋律、节奏、曲式等元素与欧洲传统音乐的全音音阶、和声及其曲式系统。
What remains is a niche market for the curious and sated. 这是一个引起好奇心和满足欲的利基市场。
What remains now is no longer the ecstasy of new horizons but rather the apotheosis of memory. 初入异邦新域之大乐既逝,今淹留者惟冥然兀思往事而已。
What reports can I view? 我可以查看哪些报告?
What represented Tomb Raider first name in all that? 古墓丽影初代在日后整个系列中处于怎样一个地位呢?
What requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election? 要想具有在联邦选举中进行投票的资格,你必须要满足哪些条件?
What requires shifting in the life in order to allow expression of such gifts and talents? 为了允许这些天赋与才华被表达,需要在生命中改变些什么?
What requital can we make for all his kindness to us? 我们对他给我们的仁慈,能作些什麽报答呢?
What research are you presently pursuing? 你现在正从事什么研究?
What research would you like to do? 你愿意从事什么研究?
What resembles half a pie? 跟半张饼最象的是什么?

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