Sharapova's left hand is starting to move out in front of her to track the ball.
莎拉波娃的左手开始在身前移动跟踪球。 |
Share (of Audience) - The percent of TV sets in use (or persons viewing) tuned to a program.
节目视听众占有率(或“市场份额”)-收看某一特定节目开机率的百分数。 |
Share Ideas on Learning English and WIN Great Prizes!
学英语,赢大奖! |
Share Something Old and Something New. Teach your mom a dance step; have your mom introduce you to one of her favorite songs from her teen years.
做个好帮手。和你一样,妈妈也会有烦恼的时候。要做妈妈的好帮手,整理好自己的房间,把你的衣服洗好。 |
Share a fairy tale with the students .
(大意是:找篇童话到班上和同学分享。) |
Share a joke or engineer a comic situation, such as learning new dance steps while one of you is blindfolded.
给对方讲个笑话或营造一个喜剧场景,比如,一起学一种新舞步时,将其中一个人的眼睛蒙起来。 |
Share best practice in diabetes education, prevention and care that targets disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
与糖尿病弱势群体分享最好的教育、预防和治疗手段。 |
Share certificates held by the sponsors shall be marked with the words Sponsors' Share.
发起人的股票,应当标明发起人股票字样。 |
Share certificates, certificates of entitlement to new shares, stock share payment certificates and documents of title to any of the securities issued or placed privately by a company that is not listed in a stock exchange or traded in the over-the-counte
一)未在证券交易所上市或未在证券商营业处所买卖之公司所发行或私募之股票、新股权利证书、股款缴纳凭证及表明其权利之证书。 |
Share cooperation of rural land has optimized agricultural workforce's resource distribution, exerted the social charity mechanism function, which is favorable to the implementation of construction of small towns, and has kept the family-run kernel, havin
农地股份合作制优化了农业劳动力资源配置,发挥了社保机制功用,有利于小城镇建设的推行,并保留了家庭经营的内核,促进了土地规模经营的发展,但也存在着推广难度大,忽视产权制度建设等缺陷。 |
Share for Purchase Advertising -> Earn up to 4 Shares per Dollar Spend on our advertise page!
份额为购买给->做广告;赢得4个份额每美元在我们上花费给页做广告! |