Abstract: The corresponding concepts in different languages can't be understood with the same degree of efficieny or precision because of their unique ethnical colours and cultural implications.In addition,the existence of language lacuna also cause the l
文摘:本文通过分析文化负载词在具体例句中的翻译,指出由于文化差异和词汇空缺现象的存在,在翻译过程中文化负载词内涵的失落往往是难以避免的。 |
Abstract: The coupling between deformation of flexible body and the inertia forces caused by large overall motion is handled so simple that the complate erroneous results will be produced in dealing with the problems of high speed large overall motions by
文摘:传统的柔性多体系统建模理论由于对柔性体的变形及其与大范围运动产生惯性力之间的耦合处理得过于简单,所以在分析存在高速大范围运动柔性多体系统的动力学性态时会得到完全错误的结论。 |
Abstract: The crystal structures obtained by static solidification and vibration solidification were compared.It was showed that,in the case of vibration solidification,the orientation growth of the columnar crystal was not obvious,the equiaxial crystal a
文摘:对球铁金属型静凝固与振动凝固的结晶组织对比表明:后者柱状晶方向性生长较弱,等轴晶出现较早,且两者的晶粒均较细,全断面硬度较高且分布均匀;前者枝晶奥氏体内溶质偏析大,有畸变夹杂团块。 |
Abstract: The current study is focused on organic semiconductor lasers .
文摘:近年来,有机半导体激光器已经成为一个新的研究热点。 |
Abstract: The customization and improvement of the Embedded System's GUI are introduced.
摘要:介绍嵌入式图形用户界面(GUI)的定制和改进。 |
Abstract: The data collection system of a home-made photoacoustic spectrometer for photosynthesis study was reformed.
文摘:对本室研制的用于光合作用研究的光声光谱仪的数据采集系统作了改进。 |
Abstract: The data of UV-spectrum were compressed by wavelet transform,the compressed data were used as an input of artificial newral network.When the method was applied to determination of the Satongfen Injection,the convergent rate was improved.The mean
文摘:通地小波变换压缩数据,以压缩后的数据作为人工神经网络的输入,极大地加快了网络的收敛速度.将该法应用于测定撒痛风注射液,结果良好.3组分的平均回收率及相对标准偏差分别为:100.1%,1.43%;100.0%,0.50%;100.6%,1.76%,优于单纯人工神经网络. |
Abstract: The defects such as inclusion,splitting,dislocation and dendrite in the PbxLa1-x(Zry Tiz Sn1-y-z)O3(PLZST) single crystal grown from PbO-PbF2 flux by the slow cooling self-seeding technique were discussed in this paper.The forming mechanism of t
文摘:本文介绍了助熔剂缓慢降温自发成核法生长的稀土掺杂锆钛锡酸铅镧(PLZST)晶体中出现的几种缺陷:包裹体、开裂、位错、枝晶,分析了这些缺陷的形成机理并提出了减少和消除这些缺陷的一些措施。 |
Abstract: The definitions, theories, research methods of four types of plant community dynamics , i.e. succession, regeneration, fluctuation, edge effect of community will be reviewed.
文摘:以植物群落动态的四种主要表现形式,即群落的演替、群落的更新、群落的波动以及边缘效应为内容,分别从它们的定义、理论、研究方法、研究现状及其发展等方面进行了综述。 |
Abstract: The degreasing methods and mechanisms in leather-making are explained.The types of degreasing agents are discussed.Some typical degreasi ng agents and their application properties are introduced.The researching and de veloping directions of degr
文摘:阐述了制革生产过程中主要采用的脱脂方法及原理,讨论了脱脂剂的种类和作用方式,介绍了目前常用的一些脱脂剂的组成和使用性能,并提出了皮革脱脂方法和材料的发展方向,特别讨论了酶法脱脂的前景。 |
Abstract: The deposited film with magnesium/polytetrafluoroethylene(Mg/PTFE) material is produced by physical vapor deposition.The infrared radiation property of Mg/PTFE material is tested by using the infrared radiation meter.The results demonstrated tha
文摘:采用物理汽相沉积法设计制作了镁/聚四氟乙烯沉积膜材料,并用红外辐射计对其红外辐射性能进行了测试,测得该材料在1~3μm波段有较强的红外辐射,说明这种方法制作红外辐射烟火材料是可行的。 |