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I wanted to rediscover the pleasure in playing football and getting the best from myself.

I wanted to come to The Premiership and today I sign for Chelsea so I'm very happy,said Essien. “我想要加入英超冠军,今天我已和切尔西签约了,所以我很高兴,”埃辛说。
I wanted to create a direct, closely observed study,said artist Sam Taylor-Wood who created the footage. 制作该片的艺术家萨姆·泰勒·伍德说:“我想进行直接的、近距离的观察研究。”
I wanted to give back what I was given,she replied. Everyone wants to matter. 奥普拉回答说:“我希望自己能回馈社会。每个人都想有所贡献。”
I wanted to go to the new railway station, but I was misdirected. "我要到新火车站去,但别人给我指错了方向。"
I wanted to make sure I got enough on it to hit the target and thankfully it took a deflection which gave us the lift we needed. “我想调整得足够好以至打中目标,谢天谢地,出了点偏差反而让我们得到了想要的结果。”
I wanted to rediscover the pleasure in playing football and getting the best from myself. “我需要重新认识足球的乐趣并且找回我最好的状态。”
I wanted to remain in Italy. 我希望留在意大利.
I wanted to struggle, but he pressed so hard with his fingers that he held my entire prone body in check; and as soon as I stopped my abortive attempt at rebellion, he sank his teeth into my neck. The boy's eyes grew huge. “我想要反抗,但是他用手紧紧压住我,把我整个身体都钳制住,在我放弃挣扎的一瞬间,他把牙齿插入了我的脖子。”
I wanted to take my opportunity in these two cup ties and build some confidence after six or seven months without much football, then I face a side like Arsenal. “我已经有六七个月好像和足球很远,我本想抓住这两场杯赛的机会重塑自己的信心。
I was almost in utter ruin In the midst of the assembly and congregation. 箴5:14我在圣会里、几乎落在诸般恶中。
I was also blameless toward Him, And I kept myself from my iniquity. 撒下22:24我在他面前作了完全人.我也保守自己远离我的罪孽。

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