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Many students came from Canada, Great Britain,Nigeria and Switzerland.

Many struggles and much pain can clear the way, but I am certain that only unceasing prayer can let me enter it.----------The return of the prodigal son. 种种被视为重大的挣扎和痛苦并非终结,它们的作用是清理路径上的障碍,让我们透过不住的祈祷以进入上帝的心意中。祈祷充足地调校我们凭经验对未来的设想,因而信服上帝。
Many students actively take part in the English party. 许多学生积极参加英语晚会。
Many students addicted to playing eventually get thei future ruined. 许多沉迷于游戏的学生最终会自毁前程。
Many students and a teacher is having practice in this plant . 182许多学生和老师正在该厂实习。
Many students are keen on watching video. (许多同学热衷于看录相。)
Many students came from Canada, Great Britain,Nigeria and Switzerland. (许多学生来自加拿大、英国、奈及利亚和瑞士。)
Many students fret over their college entry exam. 很多学生都很担心他们的大学入学考试。
Many students go abroad to study on a work-study program. 许多学生在国外一边打工一边学习。
Many students have experienced the situational insomnia before their tests. 很多学生在考试前都有失眠的现象。
Many students hit the books when they have final exams. 许多学生在大考时努力用功。
Many students like this budget-priced computer. (很多学生喜欢这种价格适中的计算机。)

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