6 Incoming fire has right of way.
敌火有优先权。 |
6 Insert the TiSP installation CD and run the setup utility to install the Google Toolbar (required) and the rest of the TiSP software, which will automatically configure your computer's network settings.
插入马桶系统安装光盘,运行安装程序(必须安装谷歌工具条)以及其它软件,该软件会自动配置您的电脑网络。 |
6 Is the sequence of Solder Paste height measurements defined?
锡膏厚度的测量顺序是否指定? |
6 Is there someone at work who encourages my development?
公司里有人鼓励我的发展吗? |
6 Isolate complexity as much as possible.
尽可能把复杂性隔离开来. |
6 It sometimes isn't warm in winter in Hong Kong.
在香港,冬天有时并不暖和。 |
6 January, the VIP Customer Business Department of China Telecom was granted with the honoured title ofAdvanced Group of National Information Industry System.
1月6日中国电信大客户事业部获“全国信息产业系统先进集体”称号。 |
6 Key Joystick with 1M wire (joystick same color as console, keys white color).
6个线长一米的手柄(手柄颜色与控制器,键盘的颜色一致,都为白色。) |
6 Knowing the power of commitment, the rewards of self-discipline and the meaning of faith in myself and others.
明白承诺的份量,自律的回报,以及相互信任的意义。 |
6 Los Angeles is a premonition of this new civilization.
洛杉矶就是这一新兴文化的先兆。 |
6 Maternity leave and family planning leave should refer to the nation, province or city's related regulation.
产假和计划生育假,按国家和地方相关规定执行。 |