Today I have a dream , I want let me more adamancy , I have many handicap to conquer , I must learn it!
今天,我有一个目标就是我要变得坚强,因为以后我会有更多的问题去解决,我必须学会这些! |
Today I have rearranged my web site. I have added both Chinese and English into my site, and hope that would be good for wider audience.
今天将网页重新安排…用中英同时对写.希望可以吸引更多人的兴趣. |
Today I have taken up a knife a dozens times ,intending to relieve with it my suffocating heart .
今天我几十次拿起一把刀子,打算用它来使我那颗窒息的心得到解脱。 |
Today I heard you had lost your father. I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock, and I just can't tell you how sorry I am.
今天听说您的父亲去世了,我知道这件意外的事情对您一定是个沉重的打击,我无法表达自己难过的心情。 |
Today I just lay down on the desk, a lot of things flashed into my mind suddenly, so I got up in a hurry and took over the paper and pencil and wrote down what I thought.
今天中午刚躺在桌子上,大脑中突然火石电光般的闪过了许多东西,于是赶快拿起纸笔奋力疾书。 |
Today I present to you hamburgers bought from a bakery in China. Looks good, eh?
今天为各位介绍的是中国大陆面包店卖的汉堡.卖相不错. |
Today I saw your message in our blog and linked your blog in it!Th u v m!
今天看到你的留言了,我把你的博客做了圈圈的链接,谢谢! |
Today I search for the Internet and I to think I had discovered any they have later named me.
今天我搜寻互联网并且我认为我发现了什么他们以后命名了我。 |
Today I shall fondle my children while they are young; tomorrow they will be gone, and so will I.
今天我要趁孩子还小的时候,多加爱护,明天他们将离我而去,我也会离开。 |
Today I shall spend in the workaday world of the present, amid the haunts of men going about the business of life.
今天我将在当今的平凡世界里度过,在为生活事务忙碌的人们常去的地方度过。 |
Today I took the base off to roll the stock Chinese tubes out for the bonus 1S5 tubes instead. So here are some photos of the insides...Enjoy!
今天我把机盖拆下来将胆管插座上的原配管换成了随机附送的1S5管.这里上点内部图...慢用! |