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While the cardiovascular benefits might appear rewarding, there is a negative side to endurance sports.

While the battered car was moving away,Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police. 在那辆被撞瘪的车子开走时,罗依停下自己的公共汽车就去给警察打电话了。
While the beggar held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomon's Colonnade. 11那人正在称为所罗门的廊下、拉著彼得、约翰.众百姓一齐跑到他们那里、很觉希奇。
While the beginner's forehand is rotating from the start, the professional forehand is still contracting the butt of the racquet toward the ball. 当初学者的正手拍从一开始就旋转时,职业球手的正手拍仍然正在收缩网球拍握柄朝球的方向。
While the benefits of overheating are specific to the module, the cost—heat buildup—is cumulative to the rack that the module resides in, which has a fixed heat dissipation rate. 过热的副作用具体到模块(装备),热量的消耗、产生和堆积在机架的内部有一个固定的散热率。
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 5新郎迟延的时候,他们都打盹睡着了。
While the cardiovascular benefits might appear rewarding, there is a negative side to endurance sports. 虽然马拉松对心血管的好处显而易见,耐力运动也带来了它的负面作用。
While the chairman is away, another director will act in his stead. 董事长不在期间,另一位董事代替他的工作。
While the challenges are breathtaking - the human brain, for example, has ~1012 nerve cells with ~1015 connections - so are the opportunities to develop revolutionary medical applications that benefit humankind. 挑战是惊人的——例如人类大脑具有大约1012个神经细胞,大约1015个联系——发展造福人类的革命性的医疗手段的机遇也是惊人的。
While the choices are increasingly global, consumer goods are cheaper than in most big cities. 上海吃喝玩乐的选择独具中西交汇,新旧合璧的特色。
While the city is dependent on migrant labor to keep its factories running, onerous residency rules discourage migrants from settling here permanently and make it difficult for them to obtain public services from education to health care. 虽然深圳的工厂需要流动民工才能运作,但是许多居留规定使流动民工难以在此定居以及取得包括教育及医疗在内的政府服务.
While the city's public transportation system is renowned, Helsinki's extensive bicycle trails make riding around the city and its seaside parks a breeze. 尽管这里的公共运输远近驰名,遍布赫尔辛基的自行车道,使在城市和海滨公园骑车驰骋,成为一件轻松惬意的事。

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