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You are best to be accommodating for the time being.

You are beseiged in a unfamiliar room, how to get out of here? 你被困在一个陌生的房间里,该怎麽逃离这个鬼地方呢?
You are best not to confront situations that deal with in-laws or relatives. 水瓶座:最好不要直接面对和姻亲或者亲属之间问题。
You are best not to nag or criticize. 最好不要喋喋不休或是指责谩骂。
You are best not to retaliate if members of your household are trying to pick a fight. 白羊座:本周白羊或许跟家人会有冲突,最好不要有什么报复。
You are best to avoid such unsavory circumstances, especially if you're in a group situation. 最好能避免不好的情况出现,尤其是在一个集体中的时候。
You are best to be accommodating for the time being. 最好现在能够乐于助人。
You are best to be honest, straightforward and spell out your intentions. 你是最忠诚,正直,不隐藏目的的。
You are best to concentrate on work. 最好集中精力在工作上。
You are best to take a wait and see what happens attitude for now. 最好是先等一下,再看情势如何发展。
You are best to take action rather than expressing your love with words. 采取行动,而不是只动动嘴皮子,是表达爱意的最好的方式。
You are best to tuck your money away where no one will be able to touch it, including yourself. 做好把钱放在任何人,包括你自己,都摸不到的地方。

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