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Abstract: The features and compressing metheds of the data of multichannel analyzer have been studied and described in this paper.Two methods of dynamic ratio compression and equal count compression have been set up to realize the compression and real-tim

Abstract: The factors that affect the city planning have many, the article thinks that the nature factor shoulds be more to rises in city planning predominant function. 摘要::影响城市规划的因素有许多,文章认为自然因素应该更多的在城市规划中起到主导作用。
Abstract: The false preset of pragmatics is a kind of language phenomenon that process the messages outside of the common field of knowledge shared by the two communicating parties as the preset information. 摘要:虚假语用预设是一种把非言语交际双方知识共有场中的信息处理为预设信息的语言现象。
Abstract: The far-field spot characteristics of laser converted by random phase plate are analyzed theoretically,including the shape,size,rotational symmetry and diffractive efficiency of the spots,as well as the distribution of subsidiary spot.By compari 文摘:从理论上分析了激光经随机位相板变换后在远场的光斑特性(包括光斑的形状、大小、旋转对称性、衍射效率以及旁瓣分布),通过比较三种形状位相元(等边三角形、正方形和正六边形)的远场光斑特性,得知正六边形位相元结构的随机位相板更适合于激光聚变中的束匀化。
Abstract: The fast Hankel transformation algorithm is used to study the diffractive modulation property of laser beam propagation in high power laser facility. 文摘:利用快速汉克尔变换算法研究了高功率激光在自由空间传输过程中形成低频调制的规律,给出了衍射调制深度与光束宽度及传输距离等参数之间的变化关系。
Abstract: The feasibility to prepare the forming materials of abrasive wheel with wear-resistant steel ball by spray granulation is emphaticall analysed in this paper.In accordance with the comparation and analysis of the experiments,the applicability of 文摘:着重分析了喷雾造粒法制备磨钢球砂轮成形料的可行性,并通过试验对比分析,探讨了喷雾造粒工艺在磨钢球砂轮生产中的适用性。
Abstract: The features and compressing metheds of the data of multichannel analyzer have been studied and described in this paper.Two methods of dynamic ratio compression and equal count compression have been set up to realize the compression and real-tim 文摘:对多道数据的特性和压缩传送问题进行了详细研究,提出了用动态比压缩方法和等计数压缩方法完成多道数据的远程实时无损压缩传送,给出了方法原理和实验结果。
Abstract: The features and trends of building-block machines and flexible production lines consisting of those machines both in China and oversease are presented.Also discussed are the critical issues for flexible production line consisting of building-bl 文摘:介绍了国内外组合机床及其生产线柔性化发展的特点,及目前国内拖拉机生产企业实现组合机床生产线柔性化应解决的关键问题。
Abstract: The forced state in key parts and their lifetime,the volume of high pressure chamber and ratio of pressure,the length of high pressure stroke and pressure stability,the relations between the deformation of high pressure chamber and temperature f 文摘:通过对高温高压合成金刚石3种主要装备在关键部件受力状况与使用寿命、高压腔体积与压力利用率、高压冲程大小与压力稳定性,高压腔变形与温场、压场的关系等方面的比较,分析了3种主要装备在技术难易程度、适用性选择和投入产出比的差异;强调了我国金刚石行业要改变当前只能生产中低档金刚石的现状,向生产高品级锯片级金刚石的方向发展,与国际接轨,应该走大型化两面顶的道路。
Abstract: The forest-steppe ecotone in northern Hebei and eastern Inner Mongolia is characterized by high biodiversity. 文摘:河北北部、内蒙古东部森林-草原交错带富于高的生物多样性。
Abstract: The forming mechanism of the cross section of unbroken metal fibers manufactured by the combined cutting of big inclination cutting and chip pulling cutting is analyzed. 文摘:分析了采用大刃倾角-拉屑复合切削方法制造连续型金属长纤维时纤维横截面的形成机理。
Abstract: The foundation and simulation of aeroengine starter for flight simulator is discussed in this paper. 文摘:在飞行模拟训练器的研制中,发动机的起动过程是需要重点研究和模拟的过程之一。

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