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It was absence of mind that made him insensible to all that was passing around him.

It was able to make charges stick in just 71 cases (and dismissed them in another 53). 但只证实了其中71宗(而撤销了另外的53宗)指控。
It was about breaking away from hypocritical sexual values. 它所是关于破除虚伪性价值观的电影。
It was about four o'clock, the beginning of rush hour. 大约是下午4点,堵车高峰期开始了。
It was about the size of a shoe box, with a short antenna hanging from it like a loose shoestring. 它大约有鞋盒那麽大,一根短短的天线垂著,像没绑上的鞋带。
It was abridged from the original work. 这是原书的节录本。
It was absence of mind that made him insensible to all that was passing around him. 由于他心不在焉,他一点也不知道周围发生的事。
It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing. 你居然建议这样的事,太可笑了。
It was acclaimed as a great discovery. 那被赞誉为伟大的发现.
It was accordingly revealed that the heritability of early maturity suffered strong environmental impact and thus in environmentally different locations it was not reliable to use the position of the first fruiting shoot and the period from sowing to budd 由此说明:早熟性的遗传受环境影响较大,在生态条件差异较大的育种地点,以果枝始节和播种-现蕾作为早熟性指标进行异地选择是不可靠的,而以生育期、开花期为早熟性选择指标是比较可行的。
It was adapted from a novel by Sinclair Lewis. 它是根据辛克莱·刘易斯的一部小说改写的。
It was added because of the transgressions until the seed should come to whom the promise was made, it being ordained through angels in the hand of a mediator. 乃是因过犯添上的,直等那蒙应许的后裔来到;并且是藉天使经中保之手设立的。

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