Result: Find out 52 of the cancer( lump) cell, impatient 16 of mammary glands inflammation, impatient and lymphoid 40 of knot. |
中文意思: 结果找到癌(瘤)细胞52例,急性乳腺炎16例,急性淋巴结炎40例,慢性淋巴结炎28例,右手小指结节穿刺找到痛风结晶4例。 |
【Results】62 cases of renal pelvic carcinoma,26 cases of ureteral carcinoma,and one case of ureteral stenosis were identified by the CT urography.
结果根据CT尿路造影诊断为肾盂癌62例、输尿管癌26例、输尿管狭窄1例,其中9例为多中心尿路上皮癌。 |
Objective:To evaluate the relationship between Toxoplasmosis infection and sperm apoptosis.
结果弓形虫感染组中精子凋亡率明显高于弓形虫阴性组(P<0。 |
The incidence of female urinary incontinence was 29.
结果利川市成年女性尿失禁的总患病率为29。 |
Methods Serum levels of CA153,CA125,and CA199 from breast cancer and benign breast disease patients were detected by CLIA method.
结果乳腺癌患者血清CA153、CA125、CA199水平均显著高于正常组和良性乳腺疾病组,差异有统计学意义(P<0。 |
Thrombi in small pulmonary arteries andarterioles.
结果提示 ,D -二聚体可作为慢性肺心病肺小动脉血栓形成的实验室指标 。 |
Result: Find out 52 of the cancer( lump) cell, impatient 16 of mammary glands inflammation, impatient and lymphoid 40 of knot.
结果找到癌(瘤)细胞52例,急性乳腺炎16例,急性淋巴结炎40例,慢性淋巴结炎28例,右手小指结节穿刺找到痛风结晶4例。 |
Screening and affinity analysis of aptamers to ESAT-6 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
结核分枝杆菌ESAT-6抗原适体的筛选与亲和性分析 |
Necessity and teaching actualization were explored about course teaching in bioinfomatics according to the practice in this paper,and these views maybe provided useful references for the course teaching.
结合教学实践,对在生物学专业开设生物信息学课程的必要性及具体的教学实施作初步探讨,为生物信息学课程教学提供参考。 |
Combining the clinical experiences,the commonly treating methods and rules of the use of herbs of arrythmia were discussed.
结合临床经验,对中医辨证治疗心律失常的常用方法及用药规律进行了探讨和总结,提出了温经散寒、舒肝理气、通腑泻热、清热解毒、活血化瘀、涤痰通络、益气养阴、温阳复脉、健脾养血及育阴潜阳十种临床常用辨证治疗方法,以冀对心律失常的治疗有所裨益。 |
A tomography method of seismic reflection wave without traveltime is presented.
结合南水北调地震波勘探的资料解释问题,讨论了一种避开旅行时的地震反射波成像方法及成像理论与观测系统。 |
According to the original texts,by analyzing the symptoms of "Diejue" and comparing with the symptoms of Parkinsonism,it is considered that Zhang Zhongjing recorded precisely the main symptoms of Parkinsonism.
结合原文,分析跌蹶的症状,并将其与帕金森病比较,认为张仲景准确地记载了帕金森病的主要症状。 |