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Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library---

Huge thanks for Donna let this super kid to come to our kennel. 非常感谢唐娜女士让这只超级犬只来到我们的犬舍.
Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks. 巨浪把游艇卷到岩石上。
Huge waves reportedly wiped away entire villages after a massive undersea earthquake struck in the South Pacific. 在南太平洋地区,一阵强烈的海底地震后,有村庄整个被大浪卷走。
Huge waves surged over the rocks. 一排排巨浪涌向石滩。
Hugely popular with Mexican fans, she added to her popularity by marrying fellow Olympian Josef Odlozil in a ceremony in Mexico City. 已经名满墨西哥的卡斯拉夫斯卡随后又与同胞奥运选手约瑟夫·奥德罗吉尔在墨西哥城举行了婚礼,从而使自己在这座城市中的知名度再度提升。
Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library--- 加州大学洛衫机分校图书馆.
Hugh : It's not my favorite, I'd much rather be a tenor. 休:我可不爱唱低音;唱高音惬意多了。
Hugh : Why? There aren't so many great bass parts in opera. 休:为什么?歌剧里重要的低音角色不多。
Hugh Grant is a famous British actor. 休葛兰是很有名的英国演员。
Hugh Gray takes the first known photos of the Loch Ness Monster. 1933年的今天,休·格雷拍摄了已知的唯一一张“尼斯湖水怪”的照片。
Hugh Laurie made a member of the order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. 休·劳瑞获得伊丽莎白二世授予的爵士勋章,成为英国勋爵士团一员。

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