But as seen in later books Firenze is an exception (OP27).
但是如以后的书中所见,费伦泽是个例外(OP27)。 |
But as soon as he did the child let out a scream.
然而他刚一动手,女孩就尖叫了一声。 |
But as soon as we are ready to enroll new members, we will of course let everyone know.
但是只要我们准备接受新成员了,我们一定会让所有人知道。 |
But as soon as we got to the stadium and we were warming up, my natural instincts took over and it was business as usual.
但是当我们来到球场热身的时候我的职业本能就占据了上风,就像往常一样。 |
But as tends to happen in the Middle East, events had already been overtaken by other events.
但注意到因为这些都发生在在中东,这里的事情远非其他事件所能比。 |
But as the Baltic republics started galloping towards freedom, with Mr Yeltsin's enthusiastic support, that changed.
但是,在叶利钦先生的热心帮助下,由于波罗的海诸国争取到了自由。 |
But as the G8 meeting drew to a close, the US President had rather less to say about the Plan of Action, announced by the world leaders, to tackle what they deemed the serious and long-term challengeof climate change.
但是随着八国首脑会议的临近,各国首脑们纷纷表示,美国总统布什很少谈论到行动计划,来解决其他各国都很重视的气候变暖问题。 |
But as the Scripture says, God is our refuge and strength.
但是圣经经文说,神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量。 |
But as the chief election commissioner queued to vote in Thimpu on April 21st, in a practice run for an inaugural election due next year, he looked mildly reluctant.
但是,这位首席选举专员4月21日在首都廷布排队等候投票、参加为明年首届大选举行的预演时,看上去有些勉为其难。 |
But as the couple made their way down the festival's famous Croisette in a chauffeur-driven car afterwards, the four-part scribing on her left shoulder was plainly visible.
而之后,当这对情侣乘车沿着戛纳著名的海滨大道前行时,茱丽左肩上的四部分纹身清晰可见。 |
But as the cross lesson of Ethnics and Value philosophy, there are big rift on the problem of the concept of moral value in academic circles.
而作为伦理学与价值哲学的交叉课题,学术界在道德价值的概念问题上存在着较大分歧。 |