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First,the use producer gas generator may enhance the thermal efficiency,also the coal burning full,may reduce the energy to disappear,with direct coal-burning ,may reduce disappears 20-40otranslation .

First,extensive reading should be taken as a priority in the learning process,because it is through reading that we get the most language input. 首先,大量阅读应被视作学习过程中的重点,因为我们是通过阅读获取最大量语言输入的。
First,self-interest,freely expressed,would jump-start the economy.secondly,the gain falling to the hard-working individual could not be fully captured by this economic man. 首先,私利自发地表现,会带来经济腾飞.其次,不勤奋的个体,对这经济中的人来说,是无所收获的.
First,stop slingking away from all those nagging issues.It's time to face the music. 首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了。
First,stop slinking away from all those magging issues.It's time to face the music. 首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了。
First,stop slinking away from all those nagging issues. It's time to face the music. 首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了。
First,the use producer gas generator may enhance the thermal efficiency,also the coal burning full,may reduce the energy to disappear,with direct coal-burning ,may reduce disappears 20-40otranslation . 首先,使用煤气发生炉可以提高效率,且煤燃烧充分,可降低能源消耗,与直接燃煤相比,可降低消耗20-40%。
First,their house was on fire. 一开始,他们的房子在一场火灾中变为灰烬.
First-Line maintenance of the equipment is also included in the project scope. 首要的设备维护也包含在项目范围里。
First-Time Use-Before you can use your headset, charge its self-contained battery for two hours. 重复充电――当从听筒听到5声快速警告音并每间隔20秒重复一次时,表明您的耳机需要再次充电。
First-aid kit. Another no-brainer. Serious wounds are rare in diving, but it should be possible to stop the bleeding for that long trip back to the dock. 急救箱:另一个必备品。在潜水中发生严重的创伤的可能性很小,但是它至少可以在船驶回码头的很长的航程中过程中帮你止血。
First-class production equipment, make industry team, a sound management system, the company is committed to building the Flying Birdseries brand, the company marketing the majority of provinces and cities across the country and Europe, but also many dome 一流的生产设备、尽业的团队、完善的管理体系,公司致力打造“飞雀”系列品牌,公司销售遍及国内大部分省市及欧洲各国,还代理多个国内外知名健身器品牌,满足不同层次消费者的需求。

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